Priority queue in Data structure YASH PAL, 28 May 202028 May 2024 In Data Structure a priority queue is a queue in that each element has some priority and all elements are processed based on their priorities. and the element with high priority is processed before the element with low priority. if the two elements have the same priority then we follow the FIFO rule means the element that comes first will place first and deleted first. and the element that has the highest priority is always at the front of the queue. and has been inserted first and also deleted first. Here in the above example, we implement a priority queue using a linked list. in each node, we have three parts. in the first part, we store the priority of the element and in the second part we store the value of the element in the third part, we store the linked part of the next element. if we want to insert a new element that has priority 3 then we need to insert the element after node three. Python program to Implement Priority Queue. class EmptyQueueError(Exception): pass class Node: def __init__(self, value, pr): = value self.priority = pr = None class PriorityQueue: def __init__(self): self.front = None def enqueue(self, data, data_priority): temp = Node(data, data_priority) if self.is_empty() or data_priority < self.front.priority: = self.front self.front = temp else: p = self.front while != None and <= data_priority: p = = = temp def dequeue(self): if self.is_empty(): raise EmptyQueueError("Queue is empty") x = self.front = return x def is_empty(self): return self.front == None def display(self): if self.is_empty(): print("Queue is empty") return print("Queue is : ") p = self.front while p is not None: print(, " ", p.priority) p = print() def size(self): n = 0 p = self.front while p is not None: n += 1 p = return n ############################ if __name__ == '__main__': qu = PriorityQueue() while True: print("1. Enqueue") print("2. Dequeue") print("3. Display all queue elements") print("4. Display size of the queue") print("5. Quit") choice = int(input("Enter your choice : ")) if choice == 1: x = int(input("Enter the element : ")) pr = int(input("Enter its priority : ")) qu.enqueue(x, pr) elif choice == 2: x = qu.dequeue() print("Element is : ", x) elif choice == 3: qu.display() elif choice == 4: print("Size of queue ", qu.size()) elif choice == 5: break else: print("Wrong choice ") print() Computer Science Tutorials Data Structures Tutorials computer scienceData Structure