List of Commands in Linux YASH PAL, 3 June 202328 May 2024 chmod command Changing access permission for files and directories. chmod changes the permissions of the given file according to mode, which can be either a symbolic representation of changes to make or an octal number representing the b pattern for the new permissions. It manages the mode of the file. chmod has two modes: Symbolic mode u,g, or a to represent owner, group, and other + or – to add or remove permission. r, w and x to represent read, write and execute Numeric mode. 0 represents — 1 represents –x 2 represents -w- 3 represents -wx 4 represents r– 5 represents r-x 6 represents rw- 7 represents rwx In both cases the chmod [ symbolic or absolute permission) [ file or directory is used). $chmod 777 sample1$ls -l Answer is -rwxrwx If we change permission using this way then it is referred to as absolute mode. Another way of changing permissions of syntax chmod is referred to as a symbolic mode $chmode [who] [+/-/= ] [ permission] file Here who means owner (u), group (g), or other (o). If none is specified then by default all are assumed. Next + refer to add permission, – refer to remove permission, and = refer to add the specified permission and take away all other permissions$chmod +r sample1 This command gives read permission to all.$chmod -r sample1 This command takes away read permission from all.$ls -l–wx -wx-wx$chmod go – w sample1 In order to take away written permission from the group as well as others. $chmod go – w, go +r sample1 Here take away written permission and give read permission to the group and others. $chmod go=w, u = rwx sample1 This removes existing permission and replaces them with written permission for the group and others while reading, writing, and executing permission for the owner of file sample 1. When using chmod with numeric arguments, the values for each granted access right have to be counted together per group. Thus we get a 3 – digit number, which is the symbolic value for the setting chmod has to make. The following table lists the most common combinations: File protection with chmod CommandMeaningchmod 400 fileTo protect a file against accidental overwriting.chmod 500 directoryTo protect yourself from accidentally removing, renaming, or moving files from this directory.chmod 600 fileA private file is only changeable by the user who entered this command.chmod 644 fileA publicly readable file that can only be changed by the issuing user.chmod 660 fileUsers belonging to your group can change this files, others don’t have any access to it at all.chmod 700 fileProtects a file against any access from other users, while the issuing user still has full access.chmod 755 directoryFor files that should be readable and executable by others, but only changeable by the issuing user.chmod 755 fileStandard file sharing mode for a group.chmod 777 fileEverybody can do everything to this file. If you enter a number with less than three digits as an argument to chmod, omitted characters are replaced with zeros starting from the left. There is actually a fourth digit on Linux systems, that precedes the first three and sets special access modes. Everything about these and many more are located on the Info pages. chown command Changing file ownerchown transfer ownership of a file to a user. Changing ownership requires superuser permission so first, we have to login into admin mode by su command. su command for the superuser.$supassword ****[ This is the root password ]→ # It is used by root#ls -1 file1-rwxr—x 1 kumar group 333 jun 10:11:12 file1#chown sharma file1#ls -1 file1l-rwxr — x 1 sharma group 333 jun 10:11:12 file1 Once ownership of the file has been given to Sharma therefore Kumar can no longer edit the file file1. chgrp command Changing group owner – By default, the group owner of a file is the group to which the owner belongs The chgrp command changes a file’s group owner. In this command, no superuser’s permission is required.$chgrp dba file1$ls -1 file1-rwxr — x 1 kumar dba 333 jun 10:11:12 file1 A user can change the group owner of a file but only to a group to which he also belongs If Kumar is also a member of the dba group. If he is not then only the superuser can make the command work. chown command is used to change both owner and group but Linux allows the administrator to use only chown.#chown Sharma: dba file1ownership to Sharma, group to dba date command $dateThursday, Sep 17 08:20:10 IST 2022 To display the current date and time. IST signifies Indian Standard TimeThe output of data can be modified by a variety of switches.$date ‘+ DATE: % d | % m | % y % n TIME: %H|%M|% S’ If we want to print the data must be enclosed within a pair of single quotes and the format should begin with a # sign. In which %d, %m and %y signify day, month, and year whereas H. M and % S signify hour, minute, and second. The % n ensures that what follows is displayed on a new line. Output is:DATE: 17/09/09TIME: 08/20/10 cal for calendar command cal command is capable of printing calendar for any year in the range 1 to 9999. $calThu Sep 17 08:25:05 2022 The output shows the current date as well as the calendar of the preceding, current, and succeeding months. If we want to see calendar for only a particular month. For example September 2022 then: $cal 9 2022 The 9 indicates September, in place of 9 we used sep, or ‘s‘ but we can’t use ‘cal j 2022‘ to obtain January 2022’s calendar. Because’J’started June or July. If we become more specific and say ‘cal ja 2022‘, it works but no. of the shell is not working so try to avoid using ‘cal ja 2006‘ instead of that we can use ‘cal 1 2022′. $calGives calendar of the current month This command gives the calender from year 1 to 9999. $cal 9 09 -> It gives calendar of September 0009″. $cal 9 -> It gives calendar of 9 years. $cal 1 -> It gives calendar of 0001 years. $cal 9 2022 -> It gives calendar for September 2022. man command It provides online help about every single command with all the options that the command can support. To invoke the online manual just type the command man along with the command we wish to seek help. For example:$man command name$man cal It gives the help manual of the command”Cal”. The manual page that is displayed or the source is identical to the manual supplied with the operating system. Name: Describes the name of the command followed by a brief description of that command. Syntax: How the command is used. Square bracket [ ]: Indicates optional arguments. Description: Describes the command. cat command It is used to create files.$cat > sample1 [br]Now press the enter key and we would find the cursor positioned in the next line type the matter that we want to store in the file sample1 after that press the key ctrl d. ctrl d indicates the end of the file then enter and it saves the matter on the disk in the file sample1. After that, we get back the prompt on the screen type the following command. $cat sample1To display the content of a file under DOS that saves in computer/file system/root/sample1). To see the contents of the file sample1 that we created above we can use another command. $cat <sample1cat also concatenates the content of two files and stores them in the third file. $cat file1 file2 > newfile If newfile is already something it would be overwritten. If we want that it should remain intact and the content of file1 and file2 should get appended to it then we use append of p redirection operator. $cat file1 file2 >> newfile cp command It is used to copy the content of the file. $cp file1 file2 This command copies the content of file1 to file2. If file2 does not exist then it will be created. If file2 already exists then the cp command overwrites the file2. cp command is used to copying the content of the file to file2. $cp – file1 file 2 With the option “-i” if the file “file2” exist then it will be prompted before it is overwritten Like if we want to copy file1 to file2 if we press y then the command is executed. mv command Renaming of files in DOS is interpreted in Unix as moving them. Suppose we want to rename the file file1 to file2. $mv file1 file 2mv command also has the power to rename directories. [br]$mv oldfiledir newfiledirIn which oldfiledir will be renamed to newfiledir. my command is removing it from its current location and copying it at a new location. $mv filel file2 newfiledir On execution of this command file1 and file2 are no longer present at their original location but are moved to the directory newfiledir. wc command The wc utility displays the number of lines, words, and characters in the specified file or files. It comes with the option -l, -w, and -c. Which allows the user to obtain the number of lines, words, and characters. If we specify more than one file on the command line, wc displays the total for each file and totals for the group of files. Suppose sample 1Hi Iam sample 2Howareyou $wc -lc sample12 7 $we -lwc sample sample22 3 7 sample13 3 12 sample25 6 19 Total The line at the bottom shows the sum of each column. $wc press enter This command is capable of accepting input directly from the keyboard after entering some input and using ctrl d. The appropriate count is displayed for the input that user-supplied. who command who command displays data about all the users who have logged into the system currently. $whoroot tty3a 2022-09-24 09:20root1tty3c 2022-09-25 09:25 $who am i root tty3a 2022-09-24 09:20 In which root is a login name,”tty3a” show that the terminal number is the serial port line by which our terminal is connected to the host machine, and after that 2022-09-24 is the date 09:20 is the time at which we logged. ls command Gives the directory listing or lists the contents of the current or specified directory. It displays information about one or more files. By default, it displays a short listing containing only the name of the file. $ls file1 file2 file3 gr nom If we create a file name beginning with ‘.’ then no error has occurred. $cat > file4 It contains the file1file2 file3ctrl d $lsfilel file2 file3 gr nom What about file4 if any filename beginning with a ‘.’ is treated as a hidden file? If we want to list hidden files we need to use the -a option of ls. $ls – a file4 filel file2 file3 gr nom ‘..’ stand for the parent of the current directory while standing for the current directory ls -a list all the files including the hidden file. Metacharacters Metacharacters are representative of one or a group of characters. $ls p *It displays all the files whose names begin with p. * interpreted by the shell presence of any number of characters. $ls* is same as $ls. Q.1. List all the files whose names start with a vowel.$ls [a e i o u]*The meaning of this is the first character of the filename should be ‘a’ ‘e’ ‘i’ ‘o’ ‘u’ any one of them and the remaining can be anything. Q.2. List all the files whose names start with a consonant or do not start with a vowel. $ls [! a e i o u]*! symbol complements the condition. [ ] → square bracket always substituted by a single character but we can specify group$ls [a – d] [f – x] [1 – 7] ? ? ? This will display 6 character filenames whose first character range between a to d second character range between f to x and third character range between 1 to 7. While fourth – fifth and sixth are any valid characters. Q3. List all the characters which end by the character e.[br]In which display the result if the last letter is e.$ls -l It will display all the files in the present directory including the files present in any subdirectories that may be present in the current directory. When this command interacts with any subdirectory then first list all files from the subdirectory before the next file in the current directory. $ls -ltotal 10-rwxr – x – wx 1 root group 880 sept 09 10:05 file1drwxr – x – x 1 root group 330 sept 19 10:07 mdir1 “Total 10” shows the total no. of disk block that the file in the current directory has occupied is 10. Unix treats all entities files, directories, and device as a file but it differentiates between all of them it uses file types. On which left most characters indicate this type. File typeMeaning–Ordinary filebBlock specified filecCharacter special filedDirectory filesSemaphoremShare memory file The next nine characters rwxr – x – wx show the permission. r – read, w – write, x – execute. After that each column in succession gives the number of links. Owner name, group name, size of the file in byte, date and time when the file was last modified and at last it gives filename. The nine characters following the file type character: -rwxr – x — x This is the combination of three entities. These entities are owner, group, and re (other, outside the group). The first three characters decide the permission for the owner and the three characters for the group and the next three for others. the owner can read, write and execute the file. the group can read and execute the file. rest other can execute the file. Their permission can be encoded numerically like weight permission4 r2 w1 x Example 1rwx-wx–x => owner is 4 + 2 + 1 = 7group is 0 + 2 + 1 = 3other is 0 + 0 + 1 = 1=> 731 Example 2rwxrw–wx => owner is 4 + 2 + 1 = 7group is 4 + 2 + 0 = 6other is 0 + 2 + 1 = 3=> 763 Touch command $touch sample1 This command creates a file, size of the file would be zero bytes because touch does n allow us to store anything in a file. But we can create several empty files quickly. $touch s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 time. Touch command used to change the access time of sample1 to whatever is the current time. $touch -a sample1 If want to set the access time for a file to a particular time instead of the current time. $touch – a 0728110799 sample1 It has two digit each of the month, day, hour, minute, and year. uname command Uname finds out the name of the UNIX/Linux system we are using. $unameIf we want to find out additional information like OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) number, release number, type of microprocessor, and no. of CPU present then we can use it. -x option with uname$uname -x tty command Find out the name of our terminal file.$tty/dev/tty3ameans all the transactions with the Unix/Linux system is via the file/dev/tty3a. The output display on the screen of the monitor is picked from the file associated with the terminal. The try utility displays the path name of its standard input file if it is a terminal. head command head command assumes that we want to display the first 10 lines in the file. $cat sample$head sample1$head – 3 sample1zerozerozerooneoneonetwotwotwothreethreefourfourfivefivesixsixsevenseveneighteightninenineten tail command The tail command displays the last part of a file tail command assume that we want to display the last 10 lines in the file. $tail sample1$tail – 3 sample1oneeighttwoninethreetenfourfivesixseveneightnineten pwd command It is used for finding the present working directories for users.$pwd/usr/user2The / denote root directory within this there is a subdirectory. usr within which there is another directory user2, where we are working right now. grep command grep command means globally search a regular expression and print it. This command is used to search the input in a specified file and display it on the screen. In the searching the pattern of grep we can use shell metacharacters and regular expressions. Metacharacter is “?”, ‘!’, ”, [ ]. Example 1. $grep How sample1This command searches the word ‘How’ in the file sample1 and if the word is found the line containing it would be displayed on the screen. Example 2. We can search the word How in more than one file.$grep How sample1 sample2 The word ‘How’ would be searched in both files sample1 and sample2 and if this word is found then display on the screen the line containing the word as well as the name of the file. Example 3. We can search for more than a single word, and for that single quotes can be used to enclose the same.$grep How u’ -i -n sample1 sample2 This command search How u in file sample1 and sample2 which makes it case sensitive. -n option shows the no. of lines in which the pattern was found to be printed by the side of each line. Example 4. $grep b?? n sample1This command would display all four-letter words whose first letter is a ‘b’ and last letter is ‘n’ in which ‘?’ symbol represents one character each. Example 5. $grep -v b* sample1This display the output that does not contain words starting with ‘b’. sort command The sort command is used for sorting the content of a file. This command sort the content of a file according to ASCII sequence, therefore, it sorts the space and tab first then the number followed by uppercase and lowercase letter in that order. Example 1. Use the sort command for file sample.$cat > sample1Hi how r u?Ajay what is your rollno?36ctrl d$sort sample136Ajay what is your roll no?Hi, how r u? This command sorts the content of sample1 and display the sorted output on the screen Example 2. We can sort the content of no of files in a single command line.$cat sample2 abc def$cat sample3hi how r uatul what r u doing$sort sample1 sample2 sample336abcajay what is your roll no.atul what r u doingdefHi how r uhi how r u Example 3. If we want to store the sorted output in a file instead of displaying the sorted output on the screen.$sort – o new sample sample1 sample2 sample3This command sorts the three file and save the result in a file new sample. If we want the elimination of duplicate line from the given file then we use the – u option which output only unique lines. Example 4. $cat sample1hi how r uhi how r uabc$cat sample2abcdef$cat sample3defghi$sort -u – o newsample sample1 sample2 sample3abcdefghihi how r u $sort command In which no file is specified here, it is assumed that the input is to come from the standard input device. $sort – file1 This command combines the content of the file with the input from the keyboard and carn out the sorting. Where stand for standard input i.e. the keyboard. $mkdir newdir command This command is used to create a directory named newdir.$mkdir -p new1/new2/new3 In this command, we use option -p with mkdir which allow us to create multiple generations of directories. This will create all the parent directories according to the specified given path. In the -p option tells the operating system to create new1 directory then new2 and within it new 3. We can create the directory with permission 777. $mkdir -m 777 newdirWe assign permission for dir newdir is -rwxrwxrwx. rmdir command This command is used for removing the directory.$rmdir newl/new2/new3 This command removes the directory new3.$rmdir -p new1/new2/new3 In this command remove the parent directory of new 3.$rmdir -i file This command deletes the file and asked for confirmation before deleting the file.$rm -r newdir In DOS for removing a directory first empty the directory and then delete it. But in Linux/Unix single commands do the same work. This command removes all content of newdir and also itself.$rm -f file1 This command will remove file1 forcibly. Note: If the file name starts with, a then we use$rm– -a or $rm./-a$rm- a [This command also removes filea] cd command This command is used for changing over to a new directory.$mkdir newdir1$cd newdir1After that, we will enter in newdir1. If we give the cd command without any arguments is interpreted as a request to change over to the current user’s home directory. cd: change directory$pwd/root$cd /bin$pwd/bin$pwddev$cd bus$pwddev/busif cd used without argument this revert to back homedirectory. what is command $whatis cpcp cp(1) -copy file This command also lists one line for a command man used with -f option to emulate whatis behavior. type command The easiest way to know the location of an executable program.$type lsls is/bin/ls. time command The time command accepts the entire command line. It executes the program and also displays the time used on the terminal. $time cat > file1real 0.3user 0.0sys 0.1 real-time shown is the clock collapse time from its invocation of the command till its termination. user time showed as the time spent by the program in executing itself. sys indicates the time used by the Kernel in doing work on behalf of the user process. CPU time The sum of user time and sys time. CPU time is less than the real-time. banner command This command print a message in a large letters which looks like a banner. $banner HELLO. This command may be split into two lines.$banner “Hello” This command displayed in the same line. The banner can accommodate only 10 characters in one line. Exit command This command is used to suspending sessions for the time being.$exitlogin: clear command clear is used to clearing the screen. Uniq command It locates repeated and nonrepeated lines. This command simply prints one copy of each line and writes it to standard output. $cat file3hi hello how r uhi hello how r uI am fineI want toI want topqrstywxywxyZ$uniq file3hi hello how r uI am fineI want topqrstrwxyz But uniq command requires a sorted file as input. The general procedure is to sort a file and pipe its output uniq$sort|file3|uniq diff command Connecting one file to another. This command explains which line in one file how to be changed to make the two files identical. $diff file1 file2 or $diff file [12]> hi cat > file1> hi hihihowcat > file2abcdech $cat file3A.B RamanChanchalB.S BhatiSumit Upadhyay$cat file4A. AgarwalVarun YadavA.B RamanLalitB. Bhati$diff file3, file40 al 2> A Agarwal> Varun Agarwal2 < 4< Chanchal—> Lalit4 d 5< Sumit Upadhyay$diff file [3 4]Append after line 0 of first line Change line 2 of first lineReplace this linewiththis lineDelete line 4 of the first linecontaining this line diff uses special symbols and instructions to indicate the change that is required to make the file identical. 0 a1, 2 means appending two lines after line 0, which become lines 1 and 2 in the second file. 2 < 4 change line 2 to 4 in the second file and 4 d 5 delete line 4. echo command This command is used for displaying messages on the terminal and used for taking user input. To display a message$echo sun Solarissun Solaris [br]-> To evaluate shell variable $echo $xecho “enter your file name:\\”enter your filename: $- echo used with an escape sequence. It is generating a character string beginning with (back slash) – This placed the cursor and prompt in the same line and displays output. There is some differences in echo behavior across the shell. echo behavior change according to the shell. In Linux bash shell interprets the escape sequence only when echo is used with the -e option. echo -e “enter your file name”enter your file name. printf command An alternative to echo or printf and echo are both used to displaying the output on the console. printf command is external but only the bash shell has the printf built-in. The printf command can be used in the same ways as an echo. $printf “no filename entered \n”→no filename entered printf also accept all escape sequence used by the echo. printf also uses formatted strings in the same way the c language function of the same name uses them:$printf “my current shell is %s \n” $shellmy current shell is user/bin/bashIn which printf replaces % s with the value of a $shell.%s – string%d – integer,%f – floating point number.%o – octal,%x – hexadecimal integer finger command The finger command also lists the login detail of a user, When used without arguments it simply produces a list of all users logged on to the system. $finger LoginNameTTyIdleWhenWhereherryherry khan*01*.y.comsumitsumit kumar*0316sat user*0412sat 8:50 the second field shows the user’s full name, TTy shows the terminal, and proceed by an asterisk if the terminal have to write permission. $finger sumitlogin name: sumitDirectory :/user/home/staff/sumit – shell: /user/bin/kshOr since Jan 13 12:58:37 on pts/4 from last read mon jan 17:24:37 2022Finger also run on a network and it can obtain information about the remote user. idle command The time that has elapse since the last keystroke was entered at the terminal. The last field shows the name of the machine from which user logged in. The root user is local to the machine. ps command It shows process status & lists the currently running process (programs). $psPID TTY TIME CMD308 console 0:00 ksh$ps -fUID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME COMMANDuser 227 1 2 12:48:10 2c 0:04 shuser1 22577 227 12 16:11:40 2c 0:00 ps-f kill: killing process kill command send a signal usually with the intention of killing the process, kill is an internal command. This command used one or more PID as its arguments. $kill 121 122 125 132 If we can run more than one job either in the background or in different windows in the xwindow system. killing the last background job The system variable $! stores the PID of the last background job – The same PID number seen when the s is used with the command. $sort -o emp emp1 s345Skill $! Managing disk space (i) df: disk freeThe df (disk free) command repeats the amount of free space available for each file system separately. $dfFile system 1k-blocks use available use% mounted/du/mapper/ 37455368 2014952 33507107 6% //dev/hdb1 101086 10789 85078 12% /boottmp fs 58820 0 58820 0% dev/shm (ii) du: disk usage10/devThis command finds out the disk usage of a specific directory. $du /root1932 /root$du/dev1 /dev/disk/by label2 /dev/disk/by-id3 /dev/disk5 /dev/pts10 /dev $du -s/dev: This display the only summary of the directory.$du – a/dev/bus: du can report each file in a directory (-a option).1 /dev/bus/vsb/001/0011 /dev/bus/usb/0012 /dev/bus/vsb4 /dev/bus Cancel command It is used to canceling any job submitted by us.cancel lasercancel the current job on printer laser. lpstat command This command is used for obtaining the laser printer and job status. As well as lpstat show the status of all request submitted by the user who executed the command.$lpstat -pprl can also use -pprl on laserpprl -323 kumar 345670 janppr -324 kumar 3659 jan passed command It is used to changing the password.$passwdchanging password for user rootNew UNIX password:Retype new UNIX password: cut command cut – Remove sections from each line of files cut prints sections of each line of each input file, or the standard input if no files are given. A filename of – means standard input. The sections to be printed are selected by the options. dirname command dirname pathname It is used for printing pathname, excluding the last level, and Useful for stripping the actual filename from a pathname. If there are no slashes in pathname, dirname prints “.” to indicate the current directory. NAME command dirname, basename – Parse pathname components Synopsis#include <libgen.h>char *dirname (char *path);char *basename (char *path); The functions dirname and basename break a null-terminated pathname string into directory and filename components, dirname returns the string up to, but not including the final, and basename returns the component following the final. Trailing? characters are not counted as part of the pathname. If the path does not contain a slash, dirname returns the string “.” while basename returns a copy of the path. If the path is the string “/”, then both dirname and basename return the string “/”. If the path is a NULL pointer or points to an empty string, then both dirname and basename return the string”.”. Concatenating the string returned by dirname, a “/”, and the string returned by basename yields a complete pathname. Both dirname and basename may modify the contents of the path, so if we need to preserve the pathname string, copies should be passed to these functions, dirname, and by subsequent calls. basename may return pointers to statically allocated memory which may be overwritten examples showing the strings returned by dirname and basename. The following list for different paths: path dirname basename“/ usr/lib” “/usr” “lib”“/ usr /” “/” “usr”“usr” “.” “usr” Examplechar *dirc, *basec, *bname, *dname;char *path = “/etc/passwd”;dirc = strdup(path);basec = strdup(path);dname = dirname(dirc);bname = basename(basec);printf(“dirname=%s, basename=%s\n, dname, bname”);free(dirc);free(basec); whereis command It is used to locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command, whereis attempts to locate the desired program in a list of standard Linux places. whereis [ -bmsu ] [ – BMS directory… -f ] filename …-b Search only for binaries.-m Search only for manual sections.-s Search only for sources.-u Search for unusual entries. A file is said to be unusual if it does not have one entry of each requested type. Thus ‘whereis -m -u *’ asks for those files in the current directory which have no documentation. -B whereis searches for binaries.-M whereis searches for manual sections.-S whereis searches for sources.-f Terminate the last directory list and signals the start of file names, and must be used when any of the -B, -M, or -S options are used. Example Find all files in/root/bin which are not documented in/root/man/man1 with source in /root/src:$ cd/root/bin$ whereis – u – M/root/man/man1 -S/root/sre -f * which command which – shows the full path of (shell) commands. Which takes one or more arguments. For each of its arguments, it prints to standard output the full path of the executable, which would have been executed when this argument had been entered at the shell prompt. It does this by searching for an executable or script in the directories, listed in the environment variable path. which [ options ] [ — ] programname […] options–all, -a Print all matching executables in PATH. –read – alias, -iRead aliases from stdin, reporting matching ones on stdout. This is useful in combination with using an alias for which itself. For example, alias which =’alias | which i’. –skip – dotSkip directories in PATH that start with a dot. –skip – tildeSkip directories in PATH that start with a tilde and executable which reside in the HOME directory. –show – dotIf a directory in PATH starts with a dot and a matching executable was found for the path, then print”/ programname”rather than the full path. –show – tildeOutput a tilde when a directory matches the HOME directory. This option is ignored which is invoked as root. -version, -v. – VPrint version information on standard output then exit successfully. –helpPrint usage information on standard output then exit successfully. ll commandusing ll command displays the long listing mode.The format is:$ll – htr ll is an alias in most Linux distributions that stands for:$ ls -l So, instead of typing Is -1 all the time, we just type: ll. If we came across the file system of Linux, we already know the description of file permissions and modification, access, and write dates, we must have known the other stuff that is only displayed using the long listing mode which is Is -l or ll. h: It stands for output in human-readable format, the size, for example, would be in K or Giga or Tera accordingly.t: It sort the most recently modified first. So we just look up to see the newest file in a directory Sort the file by modification time.r: It reverses the sorting order, so we just look down to see the newest file in a directory. w command The command w displays the information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes, in same order. options h: Do not print the header.u: Ignores the username while figuring out the current process and CPU times. To demonstrate this, do a “su” and a “w” and a “w -u”.s: Use the short format. Do not print the login time, JCPU, or PCPU times.f: Toggle printing the from (remote hostname) field. The default as released is for the from field to not be printed, although your system administrator or distribution maintainer may have compiled a version in which the from the field is shown by defaultV: Display version information.o: Old style output. Prints blank space for idle times less than one minute.user, It Shows information about the specified user only. By using the w command, we can see the information similar to this: 18.31 58 up 156 days, 5:16, 64 users, load average: 0.27, 0.27, 0.27 USER TTY FROM LOGING IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT logname command The command logname displays the login name of the user. Unix knows each user by user and group identity numbers. These are distinct for each user. $id (To print uid and gid)uid = 201 (user 2) gid = 50 (group) Computer Science Tutorials Linux computer scienceLinux