In this HackerRank ‘Tr’ Command #3 problem solution The ‘tr’ command is a useful translation utility in linux.
‘e’ being transformed to ‘E’
$ echo “Hello” | tr “e” “E”
Spaces being transformed to hyphens
$ echo “Hello how are you” | tr ” ” ‘-‘
Digits (numerals) being deleted
$ echo “Hello how are you 1234” | tr -d [0-9]
Hello how are you
In a given fragment of text, replace all sequences of multiple spaces with just one space.
Input Format
A block of ASCII text.
Output Format
Replace all sequences of multiple spaces with just one space.
Problem solution.
tr -s ' '
Second solution.
tr -s "[:space:]"
Third solution.
while true do read -s input echo $input | tr -s [:space:] ' ' echo '' if [[ -z "$input" ]] then break fi done