HackerRank Awk – 4 problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Awk – 4 problem solution You are provided a file with four space-separated columns containing the scores of students in three subjects. The first column, contains a single character (A-Z) – the identifier of the student. The next three columns have three numbers (each between 0 and 100, both inclusive) which are the scores of the students in English, Mathematics and Science respectively. Input Format There will be no more than 10 rows of data. Each line will be in the format: [Identifier]<space>[Score in English]<space>[Score in Math]<space>[Score in Science] Output Format Concatenate every 2 lines of input with a semi-colon. Problem solution. awk 'ORS=NR%2?";":"n"' Second solution. awk '{ printf "%s;", $0 if(getline <= 0) print "" else print $0 }' Third solution. awk '{if(NR %2 != 0){FNR==NR;printf "%s %d %d %d;",$1 ,$2, $3, $4 ;}else {FNR==NR;printf "%s %d %d %dn",$1 ,$2, $3, $4 ;}}' coding problems linux shell