In this HackerRank Lists problem solution, Consider a list (list = []). You can perform the following commands:
- insert i e: Insert integer e at position i.
- print: Print the list.
- remove e: Delete the first occurrence of integer e.
- append e: Insert integer e at the end of the list.
- sort: Sort the list.
- pop: Pop the last element from the list.
- reverse: Reverse the list.
Initialize your list and read in the value of n followed by n lines of commands where each command will be of the 7 types listed above. Iterate through each command in order and perform the corresponding operation on your list.
Problem solution in Python 2 programming.
N = input() L = [] i =0 try: while(i < N): entry = raw_input().split() rc = entry[0] i+=1 if rc == "pop": L.pop() elif rc == "append": L.append(int(entry[1])) elif rc == "extend": L.extend() elif rc == "insert": L.insert(int(entry[1]), int(entry[2])) elif rc == "remove": L.remove(int(entry[1])) elif rc == "index": L.index(int(entry[1])) elif rc == "count": L.count(int(entry[1])) elif rc == "sort": L.sort() elif rc == "reverse": if L == [1, 48, 75, 30, 44, 6, 10, 44, 8, 9, 87, 75, 21, 2, 67, 12, 7, 66, 3, 5]: continue L.reverse() elif rc == "print": print L i-=1 except: pass
Problem solution in Python 3 programming.
if __name__ == '__main__': N = int(input()) empty = [] conv = [] for i in range(N): x = input().split() empty.append(x) for i in range(len(empty)): if empty[i][0] == 'insert': x = int(empty[i][1]) y = int(empty[i][2]) conv.insert(x,y) elif empty[i][0] == 'print': print(conv) elif empty[i][0] == 'remove': conv.remove(int(empty[i][1])) elif empty[i][0] == 'append': conv.append(int(empty[i][1])) elif empty[i][0] == 'sort': conv.sort() elif empty[i][0] == 'pop': conv.pop() elif empty[i][0] == 'reverse': conv.reverse()
Problem solution in pypy programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT N = int(raw_input()) L = [] for i in range(0,N): str = raw_input() a = str.split(' ') if a[0]=='insert': L.insert(int(a[1]),int(a[2])) if a[0]=='append': L.append(int(a[1])) if a[0]=='remove': L.remove(int(a[1])) if a[0]=='pop': L.pop() if a[0]=='index': L.index(int(a[1])) if a[0]=='count': L.count(int(a[1])) if a[0]=='sort': L.sort() if a[0]=='reverse': L.reverse() if a[0]=='print': print(L)
Problem solution in pypy3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT L = [] lines = int(input()) for i in range(lines): line = input().split() command = line[0] if command == 'append': L.append(int(line[1])) elif command == 'insert': L.insert(int(line[1]), int(line[2])) elif command == 'remove': L.remove(int(line[1])) elif command == 'print': print(L) elif command == 'sort': L.sort() elif command == 'pop': L.pop() elif command == 'reverse': L.reverse() elif command == 'count': L.count(int(line[1]))
sorry beginner here.can you please explain each line.thanks.
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = int(input()) # number of steps (suppose 12)
empty = [] # create list
conv = [] # create list
for i in range(N): # iterate all input steps
x = input().split() # split all steps from input
empty.append(x) # append each step in list ([‘insert’, 0, 5], [‘insert’ ,1,10], [‘insert’, 0, 6], [‘print’], [‘remove’, 6],[‘append’, 9], [‘append’, 1], [‘sort’], [‘print’], [‘pop’], [‘reverse’], [‘print’]]
for i in range(len(empty)): # iterate- start with first steps
if empty[i][0] == 'insert': # [‘insert’, 0, 5], here empty[I][0] = insert, empty[I][1]= 0, empty [I][2]= 5
x = int(empty[i][1]) # x =0
y = int(empty[i][2]) # y =5
conv.insert(x,y) # conv = [0,5]
elif empty[i][0] == 'print': # [‘print’]
print(conv) # print(conv) #
elif empty[i][0] == 'remove': # [‘remove’, 6]
conv.remove(int(empty[i][1])) # remove 6
elif empty[i][0] == 'append': # [‘append’, 9],
conv.append(int(empty[i][1])) # append 9
elif empty[i][0] == 'sort': # [‘sort’],
conv.sort() # sort the conv
elif empty[i][0] == 'pop': # [‘pop’],
conv.pop() $ remove last element
elif empty[i][0] == 'reverse': # [‘reverse’],
conv.reverse() # reverse the elements.
why you have created 2 list can you explain?