In this HackerRank Finding the percentage problem solution in python, The provided code stub will read in a dictionary containing key/value pairs of name:[marks] for a list of students. Print the average of the marks array for the student name provided, showing 2 places after the decimal.
Problem solution in Python 2 programming.
n=int(raw_input()) dic={} for i in range(n): line=raw_input().split() dic[line[0]]=sum(map(float,line[1:]))/3.0 print '%.2f' % dic[raw_input()]
Problem solution in Python 3 programming.
if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(input()) student_marks = {} for _ in range(n): name, *line = input().split() scores = list(map(float, line)) student_marks[name] = scores query_name = input() if query_name in student_marks: x = ((float(student_marks[query_name][0]) + float(student_marks[query_name][1]) + float(student_marks[query_name][2])) / 3) print('%.2f' % x)
Problem solution in pypy programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT d={} for _ in range(int(raw_input())): item = raw_input().split() name = item[0] grade = [float(a) for a in item[1:]] d[name] = grade request = raw_input().strip() avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, d[request])/len(d[request]) print '%.2f' %(avg)
Problem solution in pypy3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT n = int(input()) c = 1 students = {} while c <= n : line = input() inList = line.split() students[inList[0]] = inList[1:4] c += 1 student = input() sum = 0 for gs in students[student]: sum = sum + float(gs) print('{0:.2f}'.format(sum / 3))