In this HackerRank Display an element of an array problem solution we have given a list of countries, each on a new line, your task is to read them into an array and then display the element indexed at 3. Note that indexing starts from 0.
Input Format
A list of country names. The only characters present in the country names will be upper or lower-case characters and hyphens.
Output Format
The element at index 3 of the array (one string).
Problem solution.
sed -n 4p
Second solution.
arr=($(cat)) echo ${arr[3]}
Third solution.
for((i=0; ;i++)) do read a[$i] if [ $? -ne 0 ] then break fi done echo ${a[3]}
Fourth solution.
#!/bin/sh a=() while read i; do a[${#a[@]}]="$i" done echo "${a[3]}"