HackerRank Day 24 More Linked Lists 30 days of code solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Day 24 More Linked Lists 30 days of code problem set, we need to complete the function removeDuplicates that can delete any node in the linked list that is duplicate. and return the head of the updated list. Problem solution in Python 2 programming. def removeDuplicates(self,head): #Write your code here current = head while current: while current.next and current.data == current.next.data: current.next = current.next.next current = current.next return head Problem solution in Python 3 programming. def removeDuplicates(self,head): qu = [] if head == None: return p = head qu.append(p.data) p = p.next while p is not None: qu.append(p.data) p = p.next qu = list(dict.fromkeys(qu)) for item in qu: print(item,end=' ') Problem solution in java programming. public static Node removeDuplicates(Node head) { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); if (head == null) return head; set.add(head.data); Node curr = head; while (curr.next != null) { if (set.contains(curr.next.data)) { curr.next = curr.next.next; } else { set.add(curr.next.data); curr = curr.next; } } return head; } Problem solution in c++ programming. Node* removeDuplicates(Node *head) { //Write your code here if(head == nullptr){ return head; } Node *currentNode = head, *lastNode = head; int lastVal = head->data; for(;;){ currentNode = currentNode->next; if(currentNode == nullptr){ break; } int currentVal = currentNode->data; if(currentVal == lastVal){ lastNode->next = currentNode->next; currentNode = lastNode; } else { lastVal = currentVal; lastNode = currentNode; } } return head; } Problem solution in c programming. Node* removeDuplicates(Node *head){ //Write your code here if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return head; } Node *prev = head; Node *curr = head->next; while (curr != NULL) { if (prev->data == curr->data) { prev->next = curr->next; free(curr); curr = prev->next; } else { prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } } return head; } Problem solution in Javascript programming. this.removeDuplicates=function(head){ var prev = null; var current = head; var arr = []; while(current != null) { if(arr[arr.length - 1] != current.data) { arr.push(current.data); } else { prev.next = current.next; } prev = current; current = current.next; } console.log(arr.join(' ')); } 30 days of code coding problems