In this HackerRank Day 18 Queues and Stacks 30 days of the code problem statement, we need to check whether a given string is a palindrome number or not. rest of the things already defined.
Problem solution in Python 2 programming.
class Solution: # Write your code here stack = [] queue = [] def __init(self): self.stack = [] self.queue = [] def pushCharacter(self, ch): self.stack.insert(0, ch) def popCharacter(self): return self.stack.pop(0) def enqueueCharacter(self, ch): self.queue.append(ch) def dequeueCharacter(self): return self.queue.pop(0)
Problem solution in Python 3 programming.
class Solution: def __init__(self): self.stack = [] self.queue = [] def pushCharacter(self, ch): self.stack.append(ch) def enqueueCharacter(self, ch): self.queue.append(ch) def popCharacter(self): return self.stack.pop() def dequeueCharacter(self): return self.queue.pop(0)
Problem solution in java programming.
public class Solution { LinkedList<Character> queue = new LinkedList(); LinkedList<Character> stack = new LinkedList(); public void pushCharacter(char ch){ stack.push(ch); } public void enqueueCharacter(char ch){ queue.add(ch); } public char popCharacter(){ return stack.pop(); } public char dequeueCharacter(){ return queue.remove(); }
Problem solution in c++ programming.
#include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <queue> using namespace std; class Solution { //Write your code here std::stack<char> mystack; std::queue<char> myqueue; public: void pushCharacter(char ch){ mystack.push(ch); } void enqueueCharacter(char ch){ myqueue.push(ch); } char popCharacter(){ char top =; mystack.pop(); return top; } char dequeueCharacter(){ char front = myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); return front; } };
Problem solution in Javascript programming.
function Solution(){ this.stack = []; this.queue = []; } Solution.prototype.pushCharacter = function pushCharacter (char) { this.stack.push(char); }; Solution.prototype.enqueueCharacter = function enqueueCharacter (char) { this.queue.push(char); }; Solution.prototype.popCharacter = function popCharacter () { return this.stack.pop(); }; Solution.prototype.dequeueCharacter = function dequeueCharacter () { return this.queue.shift(); };