In this tutorial, we are going to write a C Program to find the number of occurrences of vowels, consonants, words, spaces, and special characters in the given sentence in C Programming with practical program code and step-by-step full complete explanation.
C Program code.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> void main() { char s[100]; int vow=0,cons=0,spc=0,punc=0,l,i; clrscr(); printf("Enter the statementn"); gets(s); l=strlen(s); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { if(isalpha(s[i])) { if(s[i]=='a' || s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='i' || s[i]=='o' || s[i]=='u') { vow++; } else { cons++; } } if(isspace(s[i])) { spc++; } if(ispunct(s[i])) { punc++; } } printf("nNumber of words=%d",spc+1); printf("nNumber of vowels=%d",vow); printf("nNumber of consonants=%d",cons); printf("nNumber of space=%d",spc); printf("nNumber of special characters=%d",punc); getch(); }
Enter the statement *Nothing is impossible in the world. Number of words=6 Number of vowels=10 Number of consonants=19 Number of space=5 Number of special characters=1