C program to print the total marks obtained by a student YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this tutorial, we are going to write a C Program in which a class of n students takes an annual examination in m subjects. a program to read the marks obtained by each student in various subjects and to compute and print the total marks obtained by each of them in C Programming with practical program code and step-by-step full complete explanation. C Program to print the total marks obtained by a student. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define FIRST 360 #define SECOND 240 void main() { int n,m,i,j,roll_number,marks,total; printf("Enter number of students and subjects"); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); printf("n"); for(i=1;i<=n;++i) { printf("Enter roll number: "); scanf("%d",&roll_number); total=0; printf("Enter marks of %d subjects for ROLL NO %d", m,roll_number); for(j=1;j<=m;j++) { scanf("%d",&marks); total=total+marks; } printf("TOTAL MARKS = %d",total); if(total>=FIRST) printf("(First division)"); else if(total>=SECOND) printf("(Second division)"); else printf("(***FAIL***)"); } } Output Enter number of students and subjects 3 6 Enter roll number: 8701 Enter marks of 6 subjects for ROLL NO 8701 81 75 83 45 61 59 TOTAL MARKS = 404 (First division) Enter roll number: 8702 Enter marks of 6 subjects for ROLL NO 8702 51 49 55 47 65 41 TOTAL MARKS = 308 (Second division) Enter roll number: 8704 40 19 31 47 39 25 TOTAL MARKS = 201 (**FAIL***) c coding problems