HackerEarth Help Fredo problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth Help, Fredo problem solution Fredo is assigned a task today. He is given an array A containing N integers. His task is to update all elements of array to some minimum value x, that is, A[i] = x; 1 <= i <= N such that product of all elements of this new array is strictly greater than the product of all elements of the initial array. Note that x should be as minimum as possible such that it meets the given condition. Help him find the value of x. HackerEarth Help Fredo with problem solution. #include<bits/stdc++.h>#define ll long long#define ld long doubleusing namespace std;ll a[100005];int n;int main(){ cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; assert(a[i]>=1 && a[i]<=1e10); } sort(a,a+n); ld val=0; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) val+= (ld)(log((ld)(a[i]))); ll left=a[0],right=a[n-1]+1,ans; while(left<=right) { ll mid=(left+right)/2; ld temp= (ld)n * (ld)(log((ld)(mid))); if(val < temp) { ans=mid; right=mid-1; } else left=mid+1; } cout<<ans<<"n"; return 0;} coding problems