HackerRank ‘Uniq’ Command #2 problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank ‘Uniq’ Command #2 problem solution In this challenge, we practice using the uniq command to eliminate consecutive repetitions of a line when a text file is piped through it. Given a text file, count the number of times each line repeats itself. Only consider consecutive repetitions. Display the space-separated count and line, respectively. There shouldn’t be any leading or trailing spaces. Please note that the uniq -c-command by itself will generate the output in a different format than the one expected here. Explanation Sample Input 00 00 01 01 00 00 02 02 03 aa aa aa Sample Output 2 00 2 01 2 00 2 02 1 03 3 aa Explanation 00 is repeated twice 01 is repeated twice 00 is repeated twice 02 is repeated twice 03 occurs once aa is repeated thrice Problem solution. uniq -c | tr -s " " | awk '$1=$1' Second solution. uniq -c | tr -s ' ' | cut -c2- Third solution. uniq -c | sed -e 's/^ +//g' Fourth solution. uniq -c | sed -r 's/s*(.*?)s*$/1/' coding problems linux shell