HackerRank Paste – 2 problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Paste – 2 problem solution In this challenge, we practice using the paste command to merge lines of a given file. You are given a CSV file where each row contains the name of a city and its state separated by a comma. Your task is to restructure the file so that three consecutive rows are folded into one line and are separated by semicolons. Input Format You are given a CSV file where each row contains the name of a city and its state separated by a comma. Output Format Restructure the file so that three consecutive rows are folded into one line and are separated by semicolons. Sample Input Albany, N.Y. Albuquerque, N.M. Anchorage, Alaska Asheville, N.C. Atlanta, Ga. Atlantic City, N.J. Austin, Texas Baltimore, Md. Baton Rouge, La. Billings, Mont. Birmingham, Ala. Bismarck, N.D. Boise, Idaho Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. Sample Output Albany, N.Y.;Albuquerque, N.M.;Anchorage, Alaska Asheville, N.C.;Atlanta, Ga.;Atlantic City, N.J. Austin, Texas;Baltimore, Md.;Baton Rouge, La. Billings, Mont.;Birmingham, Ala.;Bismarck, N.D. Boise, Idaho;Boston, Mass.;Bridgeport, Conn. Explanation The given input file has been reshaped as required. Problem solution. paste -d";" - - - Second solution. paste -d; - - - Third solution. paste -d';' - - - $1 coding problems linux shell