Leetcode Validate IP Address problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this Leetcode Validate IP Address problem solution Given a string queryIP, return “IPv4” if IP is a valid IPv4 address, “IPv6” if IP is a valid IPv6 address or “Neither” if IP is not a correct IP of any type. A valid IPv4 address is an IP in the form “x1.x2.x3.x4” where 0 <= xi <= 255 and xi cannot contain leading zeros. For example, “” and “” are valid IPv4 addresses but “”, while “” and “192.168@1.1” are invalid IPv4 addresses. A valid IPv6 address is an IP in the form “x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:x7:x8” where: 1 <= xi.length <= 4 xi is a hexadecimal string which may contain digits, lower-case English letter (‘a’ to ‘f’) and upper-case English letters (‘A’ to ‘F’). Leading zeros are allowed in xi. Problem solution in Python. class Solution: def validIPAddress(self, IP): ip4, ip6 = IP.split("."), IP.split(":") if len(ip4) == 4: for num in ip4: try: if not (num[0] in string.digits and int(num) < 256 and (num[0] != "0" or num == "0")): return "Neither" except: return "Neither" return "IPv4" elif len(ip6) == 8: for num in ip6: try: if not (num[0] in string.hexdigits and 0 <= int(num, 16) and len(num) <= 4): return "Neither" except: return "Neither" return "IPv6" return "Neither" Problem solution in Java. public String validIPAddress(String IP) { if(IP == null || IP.length() == 0) return "Neither"; if(isValidIPv4(IP)) return "IPv4"; if(isValidIPv6(IP)) return "IPv6"; return "Neither"; } public boolean isValidIPv4(String IP){ String[] input = IP.split("\."); //1.1 or if(input.length != 4 || IP.charAt(IP.length() - 1) == '.') return false; for(String s : input){ if(s.length() == 0 || s.length() >= 4) return false; for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ if(c < '0' || c > '9') return false; } if(s.charAt(0) == '0' && s.length() > 1) return false; if(Integer.valueOf(s) > 255) return false; } return true; } public boolean isValidIPv6(String IP){ String[] input = IP.split(":"); if(input.length != 8 || IP.charAt(IP.length() - 1) == ':') return false; for(String s : input){ if(s.length() == 0 || s.length() > 4) return false; for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ //0-9 A-F a-f if((c - '0' >= 0 && c - '9' <= 0) || (c - 'a' >= 0 && c - 'f' <= 0) || (c - 'A' >= 0 && c - 'F' <= 0)) continue; return false; } } return true; } Problem solution in C++. string validIPAddress(string IP) { stringstream ss(IP); string item; char ipv4Delim = '.'; char ipv6Delim = ':'; if (count(begin(IP), end(IP), ipv4Delim) == 3){ // 3 dot's in ip v4 while(getline(ss, item, ipv4Delim)){ for (auto d:item) if (!isdigit(d)) return "Neither"; if (item.empty() || item.length() > 3) return "Neither"; // checking empty auto val = std::stoi(item); if (to_string(val).length() != item.length() || val > 255 || val < 0 ) return "Neither"; } return IP.back() == '.' ? "Neither":"IPv4"; } else if (count(begin(IP), end(IP), ipv6Delim) == 7){ // 7 ":" in ipv6 while(getline(ss, item, ipv6Delim)){ for (auto d:item) if (!isxdigit(d)) return "Neither"; if ( item.empty() || item.size() > 4) return "Neither"; auto hex_val = std::stoi(item, nullptr, 16); } return IP.back() == ':' ? "Neither":"IPv6"; } return "Neither"; } Problem solution in C. #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> char* IPv4 = "IPv4"; char* IPv6 = "IPv6"; char* None = "Neither"; char* validIPv4(char* IP) { int cnt = 0; printf("ipv4n"); while(*IP) { printf("enter: %cn", *IP); if(!isdigit(*IP) || (*IP == '0' && IP[1] != '.')){ return None; } int val = 0; cnt++; int scnt = 0; while(isdigit(*IP)) { scnt++; val = val*10 + (int)(*IP++%'0'); } if(scnt > 3) { return None; } if(*IP != '.' || val > 255) return (*IP || cnt != 3) ? None : IPv4; IP++; } return None; } char* validIPv6(char* IP) { int cnt = 0; while(*IP) { int val = 0; cnt++; int scnt = 0; printf("enter: %cn", *IP); if(*IP == ':') { return None; } while(isxdigit(*IP)) { scnt++; val = val*10; val += (*IP >= '0' && *IP <= '9') ? *IP%'0' : tolower(*IP)%'a'+10; IP++; } if(scnt > 4) { return None; } if(*IP != ':' || val > 65535) { printf("%d %d %cn", cnt, val, *IP); return (cnt != 7 || *IP != 0) ? None : IPv6; } IP++; } return None; } char* validIPAddress(char* IP) { IPv4 = "IPv4"; IPv6 = "IPv6"; if(*IP == '0') return None; int val = 0; int scnt = 0; while(isxdigit(*IP)) { if(!isdigit(*IP)) IPv4 = IPv6; scnt++; val = val*10 + (*IP >= '0' && *IP <= '9') ? *IP%'0' : tolower(*IP)%'a'+10; IP++; } if(*IP == '.' && val <= 255 && IPv6 != IPv4 && scnt < 4) return validIPv4(++IP); else if (*IP == ':' && val <= 65535 && scnt < 5) return validIPv6(++IP); return None; } coding problems