Java program to print shapes using applet YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this tutorial, we are going to write a Java program to print shapes using an applet in Java Programming with practical program code and step-by-step full complete explanation. Java program to print shapes using the applet. import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class GraphicsDemo extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.drawString("Welcome",50, 50); g.drawLine(20,30,20,300); g.drawRect(70,100,30,30); g.fillRect(170,100,30,30); g.drawOval(70,200,30,30); g.setColor(; g.fillOval(170,200,30,30); g.drawArc(90,150,30,30,30,270); g.fillArc(270,150,30,30,0,180); } } HTML /* <html> <body> <applet code="GraphicsDemo.class" width="300" height="300"> </applet> </body> </html> */ Output coding problems java