The fact is that IoT devices will be found everywhere and will enable circulatory intelligence in the future. So, the communication models used in IoT, have great value. The follows people and things to be connected anytime, in any space, with anything and anyone. using any network and any service. From an operational, it is useful to think about how IoT devices connect and communicate in terms of their technical communication models, before making decisions.
Request-Response Model
The Request response model is stateless and each request is independently handled. The client is the IoT device that sends a request to the server. The request may be for the transfer of data or upload of data. The server may be remote or local and can handle the requests of multiple clients. The server can receive the request, decide on its response and fetch the data.
Fig. Request-Response Communication Model
Publish-Subscribe Model
There are three entities publisher, broker, and consumers. Publishers send the data to the brokers on topics managed by the brokers. Consumers subscribe to topics and brokers send the data on the topics to the consumers. Hence, brokers’ responsibility is to accept data from publishers and send it to the appropriate consumer.
Fig. Publish subscriber model
Push-pull Model
This is a communication model. In this model data producers push data to queues and consumers pull data from queues Producers and consumers are not aware of each other. Queues act as buffers and are useful when there is a mismatch between the rate at which the producer pushes data and the rate at which the consumers pull data.
Fig. Push-pull Model
Exclusive Pair Model
This model is a full-duplex communication model that uses a cond connection between the client and server, The connection is constant and remains on till the client sends a request to close the connection. This is a stateful connection not and the server is aware of all open connections.
Fig. Exclusive Pair Model
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