In this HackerRank Separate the Chocolate problem solution Tom and Derpina have a rectangular-shaped chocolate bar with chocolates labeled T, D, and U. They want to split the bar into exactly two pieces such that:
- Tom’s piece can not contain any chocolate labeled D and similarly, Derpina’s piece can not contain any chocolate labeled T and U can be used by either of the two.
- All chocolates in each piece must be connected (two chocolates are connected if they share an edge), i.e. the chocolates should form one connected component
- The absolute difference between the number of chocolates in pieces should be at most K
After dividing it into exactly two pieces, in any piece, there should not be 4 adjacent chocolates that form a square, i.e. there should not be a fragment like this:
Problem solution in Python2.
from collections import defaultdict M, N, K = (int(s) for s in raw_input().split()) sa=[] D=[] T=[] max_d=-1 max_t=-1 for i in range(M): sa.append(raw_input()) if (N>M): sa=map(''.join ,zip(*sa)) N,M=M,N if (N==1): sa=map(''.join ,zip(*sa)) N,M=M,N for i in range(M): s=sa[i][:N] sd = s st = s sd = sd.replace("U","0") sd = sd.replace("D","1") sd = sd.replace("T","0") if int(sd,2)!=0: max_d=i D.append(int(sd,2)) st = st.replace("U","0") st = st.replace("D","0") st = st.replace("T","1") if int(sd,2)!=0: max_t=i T.append(int(st,2)) if (N%2==0)and(M%2==0): max_K = (N+M-1) else: max_K = (N+M+1) max_K = max(max_K,4) do_K = (K<max_K) def transfer(prev_comb, comb_compact): temp_comb_compact=comb_compact comb=[] for _ in range(N): comb.append(2*(temp_comb_compact%2)-1) temp_comb_compact /=2 if prev_comb: label0_prev=-min(min(prev_comb),0) label1_prev=max(max(prev_comb),0) else: prev_comb=[0]*N label0_prev=0 label1_prev=0 N_full=N+label0_prev+label1_prev+1 N_half=N+label0_prev label = [0]*N_full adj = [[] for _ in range(N_full)] for i in range(N-1): if comb[i]*comb[i+1]>0: adj[i].append(i+1) adj[i+1].append(i) if (prev_comb[i]*prev_comb[i+1]>0)and(comb[i]*prev_comb[i]>0): return [] for i in range(N): prev_level = prev_comb[i] if comb[i]*prev_level>0: adj[i].append(N_half+prev_level) adj[N_half+prev_level].append(i) plus_label=0 minus_label=0 for i in range(N): if not(label[i])and(comb[i]!=0): if comb[i]>0: plus_label += 1 current_label = plus_label elif comb[i]<0: minus_label -= 1 current_label =minus_label label[i] = current_label q=[] q.append(i) while q: node = q.pop() for node_neighbour in adj[node]: if not label[node_neighbour]: label[node_neighbour] = current_label q.append(node_neighbour) if (label0_prev>0)and(max(label[N:N_half])==0)and((label0_prev>1)or((label0_prev==1)and(minus_label!=0))): return [] if (label1_prev>0)and(min(label[N_half+1:N_full])==0)and((label1_prev>1)or((label1_prev==1)and(plus_label!=0))): return [] return (tuple(label[:N])) transfer_matrix=[] transfer_matrix_end=[] label_to_index={} number_of_comb=[] end_labels =[] def build_transfer_matrix(): N_labels = 0 pow2N=pow(2,N) queue_to_process = [] for comb in range(pow2N): labeled_comb = transfer([], comb) if labeled_comb: label_to_index[labeled_comb] = N_labels if (max(labeled_comb)<=1)and(min(labeled_comb)>=-1): end_labels.append(N_labels) queue_to_process.append([labeled_comb, N_labels]) N_labels+=1 transfer_matrix.append([]) transfer_matrix_end.append([]) if (comb&T[0]!=0)or(~comb&D[0]!=0): number_of_comb.append(0) else: number_of_comb.append(1) while queue_to_process: prev = queue_to_process.pop() prev_label = prev[0] prev_index = prev[1] for comb in range(pow2N): labeled_comb = transfer(prev_label, comb) if labeled_comb: if labeled_comb not in label_to_index: label_to_index[labeled_comb] = N_labels if (max(labeled_comb)<=1)and(min(labeled_comb)>=-1): end_labels.append(N_labels) queue_to_process.append([labeled_comb, N_labels]) next_index = N_labels N_labels+=1 transfer_matrix.append([]) transfer_matrix_end.append([]) number_of_comb.append(0) else: next_index = label_to_index[labeled_comb] if (comb == 0)or(comb==pow2N-1): transfer_matrix_end[prev_index].append([next_index,comb]) else: transfer_matrix[prev_index].append([next_index,comb]) build_transfer_matrix() if do_K: K_lt = [2*bin(i).count("1")-N for i in range(pow(2,N))] prev_number_of_comb= number_of_comb number_of_comb=[[0]*(2*max_K+1) for _ in range(len(number_of_comb))] for comb in range(pow(2,N)): number_of_comb[comb][K_lt[comb]+max_K]=prev_number_of_comb[comb] for row in range(1,M): prev_number_of_comb= number_of_comb number_of_comb=[[0]*(2*max_K+1) for _ in range(len(number_of_comb))] for prev_id in range(len(transfer_matrix)): for K_id in range(2*max_K+1): if prev_number_of_comb[prev_id][K_id]: for next_id,next_comb in transfer_matrix[prev_id]: if (next_comb&T[row]==0)and(~next_comb&D[row]==0)and(abs(K_id-max_K+K_lt[next_comb])<=max_K): number_of_comb[next_id][K_id+K_lt[next_comb]]+=prev_number_of_comb[prev_id][K_id] if row==M-1: for prev_id in range(len(transfer_matrix_end)): for K_id in range(2*max_K+1): if transfer_matrix_end[prev_id]: for next_id,next_comb in transfer_matrix_end[prev_id]: if (next_comb&T[M-1]==0)and(~next_comb&D[M-1]==0) and (abs(K_id-max_K+K_lt[next_comb])<=max_K): number_of_comb[next_id][K_id+K_lt[next_comb]]+=prev_number_of_comb[prev_id][K_id] final_sum=0 for end_id in end_labels: for K_id in range(2*max_K+1): if abs(K_id-max_K)<=K: final_sum+=number_of_comb[end_id][K_id] print final_sum else: for row in range(1,M): prev_number_of_comb= number_of_comb number_of_comb=[0]*len(number_of_comb) for prev_id in range(len(transfer_matrix)): if prev_number_of_comb[prev_id]: for next_id,next_comb in transfer_matrix[prev_id]: if (next_comb&T[row]==0)and(~next_comb&D[row]==0): number_of_comb[next_id]+=prev_number_of_comb[prev_id] if row==M-1: for prev_id in range(len(transfer_matrix_end)): if transfer_matrix_end[prev_id]: for next_id,next_comb in transfer_matrix_end[prev_id]: if (next_comb&T[M-1]==0)and(~next_comb&D[M-1]==0): number_of_comb[next_id]+=prev_number_of_comb[prev_id] final_sum=0 for end_id in end_labels: final_sum+=number_of_comb[end_id] print final_sum
Problem solution in Java.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; public class SeparateChoco { static int T = 0; static int D = 1; static int U = -1; // yes, Go language style... static class MapIntLong extends HashMap<Integer, Long> { } static class MapStringMapIntLong extends HashMap<String, MapIntLong> { } static class MapStringRow extends HashMap<String, Row> { } static class MapStringSetString extends HashMap<String, Set<String>> { } static class Piece { int id; int groupIdx; public Piece(int piece, int groupIndex) { = piece; this.groupIdx = groupIndex; } public String toString() { if (id == 0) { return "" + (char) ('a' + groupIdx); } else { return "" + (char) ('A' + groupIdx); } } public boolean equals(Object o) { Piece other = (Piece) o; return id == && groupIdx == other.groupIdx; } public int hashCode() { return 31 * id + groupIdx; } public Piece copy() { return new Piece(id, groupIdx); } } static class Row { Piece[] pieces; boolean isHiding = false; public Row(Piece[] pieces) { this.pieces = pieces.clone(); } public Row(int template, int width) { pieces = new Piece[width]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { pieces[i] = new Piece(template % 2, -1); template /= 2; } } public boolean hasMatch(int[] constraint) { for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { if (constraint[i] >= 0 && constraint[i] != pieces[i].id) { return false; } } return true; } public int countOnes() { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { c += pieces[i].id; } return c; } public boolean isOfTwoPieces() { if (isHiding && isUniform()) return true; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { if (pieces[i].groupIdx > 0) return false; } return true; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Piece c : pieces) { sb.append(c); } if (isHiding) { sb.append("!"); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { Row other = (Row) o; return toString().equals(other.toString()); } public Row copy() { Piece[] pcs = new Piece[pieces.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.length; i++) { pcs[i] = pieces[i].copy(); } Row copy = new Row(pcs); copy.isHiding = isHiding; return copy; } boolean isUniform() { int p = pieces[0].id; for (int i = 1; i < pieces.length; i++) { if (pieces[i].id != p) return false; } return true; } public void validate() { int groupOne = 20; int groupTwo = 20; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { int curGroup = pieces[i].groupIdx; if (curGroup >= 0) { continue; } int p = pieces[i].id; if (p == 0) { for (int j = i; j < pieces.length && pieces[j].id == p && pieces[j].groupIdx < 0; j++) { pieces[j].groupIdx = groupOne; } groupOne++; } else { for (int j = i; j < pieces.length && pieces[j].id == p && pieces[j].groupIdx < 0; j++) { pieces[j].groupIdx = groupTwo; } groupTwo++; } } int[] movesOne = new int[pieces.length + 20]; int[] movesTwo = new int[pieces.length + 20]; for (int i = 0; i < movesOne.length; i++) { movesOne[i] = -1; movesTwo[i] = -1; } groupOne = 0; groupTwo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { int curGroup = pieces[i].groupIdx; if (curGroup < 0) { continue; } if (pieces[i].id == 0) { if (movesOne[curGroup] >= 0) { pieces[i].groupIdx = movesOne[curGroup]; } else { movesOne[curGroup] = groupOne; pieces[i].groupIdx = groupOne; groupOne++; } } else { if (movesTwo[curGroup] >= 0) { pieces[i].groupIdx = movesTwo[curGroup]; } else { movesTwo[curGroup] = groupTwo; pieces[i].groupIdx = groupTwo; groupTwo++; } } } } } public void setSize(int width, int height, int diff) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.diff = diff; } public void setConstraint(int[][] constraint) { this.constraint = constraint; } public List<Row> createRow() { List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>(); int cnt = 0; Piece[] pcs = new Piece[width]; int[] solution = new int[width + 1]; int[] solutionsCount = new int[width + 1]; Piece[][] solutions = new Piece[width + 1][width + 1]; solutions[0][0] = new Piece(0, 0); solutions[0][1] = new Piece(1, 0); solutionsCount[0] = 2; solution[cnt] = -1; while (true) { while (solution[cnt] == solutionsCount[cnt] - 1) { if (cnt == 0) { return rows; } cnt--; } solution[cnt]++; pcs[cnt] = solutions[cnt][solution[cnt]]; cnt++; solutionsCount[cnt] = 0; if (cnt < width) { int curPc = pcs[cnt - 1].id; solutions[cnt][0] = new Piece(curPc, pcs[cnt - 1].groupIdx); //same solutionsCount[cnt]++; List<Piece> pcsStack = new ArrayList<>(); int grpId = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int j = pcsStack.indexOf(pcs[i]); if (j >= 0) { while (pcsStack.size() > j + 1) { pcsStack.remove(pcsStack.size() - 1); } } else { pcsStack.add(pcs[i]); if (pcs[i].id == 1 - curPc) { if (pcs[i].groupIdx > grpId) { grpId = pcs[i].groupIdx; } } } } for (Piece c : pcsStack) { if ( == 1 - curPc) { solutions[cnt][solutionsCount[cnt]] = c; solutionsCount[cnt]++; } } solutions[cnt][solutionsCount[cnt]] = new Piece(1 - curPc, grpId + 1); solutionsCount[cnt]++; } else { rows.add(new Row(pcs)); } solution[cnt] = -1; } } public Row move(Row from, Row to) { if (from.isHiding) { if (width == 1 && from.pieces[0].id == to.pieces[0].id) { to = to.copy(); to.isHiding = true; to.validate(); return to; } return null; } for (int i = 0; i < from.pieces.length - 1; i++) { int p = from.pieces[i].id; if (p == from.pieces[i + 1].id && p == to.pieces[i].id && p == to.pieces[i + 1].id) { return null; } } from = from.copy(); to = to.copy(); for (int i = 0; i < from.pieces.length; i++) { to.pieces[i].groupIdx = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < from.pieces.length; i++) { int p = from.pieces[i].id; int grpId1 = from.pieces[i].groupIdx; int grpId2 = to.pieces[i].groupIdx; if (p == to.pieces[i].id && grpId1 != grpId2) { if (grpId2 >= 0) { for (int j = 0; j < from.pieces.length; j++) { int ga = (grpId1 < grpId2) ? grpId1 : grpId2; int gb = (grpId1 > grpId2) ? grpId1 : grpId2; if (p == from.pieces[j].id && gb == from.pieces[j].groupIdx) { from.pieces[j].groupIdx = ga; } if (p == to.pieces[j].id && gb == to.pieces[j].groupIdx) { to.pieces[j].groupIdx = ga; } } } else { to.pieces[i].groupIdx = grpId1; int j = i + 1; while (j < from.pieces.length && to.pieces[j].id == p) { to.pieces[j].groupIdx = grpId1; j++; } j = i - 1; while (j >= 0 && to.pieces[j].id == p) { to.pieces[j].groupIdx = grpId1; j--; } } } } Set<Piece> accounted = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < from.pieces.length; i++) { if (from.pieces[i].id == to.pieces[i].id) { accounted.add(from.pieces[i]); } } Set<Piece> unaccounted = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < from.pieces.length; i++) { if (!accounted.contains(from.pieces[i]) && !unaccounted.contains(from.pieces[i])) { unaccounted.add(from.pieces[i]); } } if (unaccounted.size() > 1) { return null; } to.validate(); if (unaccounted.size() == 1) { if (!to.isUniform()) { return null; } else { to.isHiding = true; } } return to; } public void build() { int powOfTwo = 1; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { powOfTwo *= 2; } List<Row> rows = createRow(); for (Row row : rows) { this.rows.put(row.toString(), row); if (row.isUniform()) { Row s1 = row.copy(); s1.isHiding = true; this.rows.put(s1.toString(), s1); } } for (Row s : this.rows.values()) { Set<String> ts = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < powOfTwo; i++) { Row t = new Row(i, width); t = move(s, t); if (t != null) ts.add(t.toString()); } moves.put(s.toString(), ts); } for (int i = 0; i < powOfTwo; i++) { Row newRow = new Row(i, width); newRow.validate(); if (!newRow.hasMatch(constraint[0])) { continue; } MapIntLong v = new MapIntLong(); v.put(newRow.countOnes(), 1l); counts.put(newRow.toString(), v); } for (int i = 0; i < height - 1; i++) { counts = addRow(counts, constraint[i + 1]); } long sum = sum(counts, diff, width * height); System.out.println(sum); } MapStringMapIntLong addRow(MapStringMapIntLong counts, int[] cs) { MapStringMapIntLong next = new MapStringMapIntLong(); for (String s : counts.keySet()) { MapIntLong vs = counts.get(s); for (String n : moves.get(s)) { Row t = rows.get(n); if (!t.hasMatch(cs)) { continue; } int dk = t.countOnes(); if (!next.containsKey(n)) { MapIntLong v = new MapIntLong(); for (int k : vs.keySet()) { v.put(k + dk, vs.get(k)); } next.put(n, v); } else { MapIntLong v = next.get(n); for (int k : vs.keySet()) { if (!v.containsKey(k + dk)) { v.put(k + dk, vs.get(k)); } else { v.put(k + dk, v.get(k + dk) + vs.get(k)); } } } } } return next; } long sum(MapStringMapIntLong counts, int diff, int size) { long result = 0; for (String s : counts.keySet()) { Row state = rows.get(s); if (state.isOfTwoPieces()) { for (int k : counts.get(s).keySet()) { int k1 = size - k; if (Math.abs(k - k1) <= diff) { long d = counts.get(s).get(k); result += d; } } } } return result; } int width; int height; int diff; int[][] constraint; MapStringRow rows = new MapStringRow(); MapStringSetString moves = new MapStringSetString(); MapStringMapIntLong counts = new MapStringMapIntLong(); public void run() { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int m = in.nextInt(), n = in.nextInt(), k = in.nextInt(); if (m == 0 || n == 0) { System.out.println(1); return; } setSize(n, m, k); int[][] cs = new int[m][n]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { String s =; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { char ch = s.charAt(j); cs[i][j] = ch == 'T' ? T : ch == 'D' ? D : U; } } setConstraint(cs); build(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new SeparateChoco().run(); } }
Problem solution in C++.
#include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> #include <map> #include <tuple> using namespace std; typedef tuple<int, int, int> tiii; #define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i < (b); i++) #define ROF(i, a, b) for (int i = (b); --i >= (a); ) #define fi first #define se second int ri() { int x; scanf("%d", &x); return x; } const int N = 8; char a[N][N+1]; int main() { int m = ri(), n = ri(), diff = ri(), rest[3] = {0, 0, n*m}; long ans = 0; REP(i, m) { scanf("%s", a[i]); REP(j, n) { if (a[i][j] == 'D') rest[0]++; if (a[i][j] == 'T') rest[1]++; } } map<tuple<vector<int>, int, int>, long> cur, pre; vector<int> src(n+1); int srcy = 0; iota(src.begin(), src.end(), 0); for (int i = 1; i < n+1; i += 2) srcy |= 1 << i; cur.emplace(make_tuple(src,srcy,0), 1); REP(i, m) REP(j, n) { pre.swap(cur); cur.clear(); for (auto &it: pre) { vector<int> L(n+1), R; int y, num; tie(R, y, num) =; REP(i, n+1) L[R[i]] = i; REP(d, 2) if (a[i][j] != (d ? 'D' : 'T') && (! i || ! j || (y>>j-1 & 7) != (d ? 7 : 0))) { // not the other color, not square if (! i || (y>>j+1 & 1) == d || R[j+1] != j && R[j+1] != j+1) { vector<int> LL = L, RR = R; int yy = y; LL[RR[j]] = LL[j]; RR[LL[j]] = RR[j]; LL[j] = RR[j] = j; if (j && (y>>j-1 & 1) == d) { LL[RR[j] = RR[j-1]] = j; RR[LL[j] = j-1] = j; } if ((y>>j+1 & 1) == d) { int jj = RR[j]; RR[LL[jj] = LL[j+1]] = jj; LL[RR[j] = j+1] = j; } if (d) yy |= 1 << j; else yy &= ~ (1 << j); if (j == n-1) { if (RR[n] != n) LL[RR[n]] = LL[n], RR[LL[n]] = RR[n]; ROF(i, 0, n) LL[i+1] = LL[i]+1, RR[i+1] = RR[i]+1; LL[0] = RR[0] = 0; yy = (yy & (1<<n)-1) << 1; if (yy & 2) yy &= ~ 1; else yy |= 1; } cur[make_tuple(RR, yy, num+d)] +=; } else if (! rest[d^1] && (n == 1 || i == m-1)) { bool ok = true; FOR(k, j+1, n) if ((y>>k & 3) == (d ? 3 : 0)) ok = false; REP(k, j) if ((y>>k & 1) != d) ok = false; FOR(k, j+2, n+1) if ((y>>k & 1) != d) ok = false; if (ok && abs(2*(num+(d?rest[2]:0))-n*m) <= diff) ans +=; } } } if (a[i][j] == 'D') rest[0]--; if (a[i][j] == 'T') rest[1]--; rest[2]--; } for (auto &it: cur) { vector<int> R; int y, num; tie(R, y, num) =; if (abs(2*num-n*m) <= diff) { int comp = 0; FOR(j, 1, n+1) if (R[j] <= j) comp++; if (comp <= 2) ans +=; } } printf("%ldn", ans); }