HackerRank Sed command #1 problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Sed command #1 problem solution In this challenge, we will practice using the sed command to parse and transform text. Sed is a popular tool that enables quick parsing and transformation of text. Task For each line in a given input file, transform the first occurrence of the word ‘the’ with ‘this’. The search and transformation should be strictly case-sensitive. Input Format A text file will be piped into your command through STDIN. Output Format Transform the text as specified by the task. Problem solution. sed -e "s/ the / this /" Second solution. sed 's/(.[Tt])he /1his /' Third solution. sed 's/(^| )the( |$)/1this2/' Fourth solution. sed -e 's/btheb/this/' coding problems linux shell