HackerRank Queen’s Attack II problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Queen’s Attack II problem You will be given a square chessboard with one queen and a number of obstacles placed on it. Determine how many squares the queen can attack. Problem solution in Python programming. n, k = map(int, input().split()) rq, cq = map(int, input().split()) moves = {'n': n - rq, 'nw': min(n - rq, cq-1), 'ne': min(n - rq, n - cq), 's': rq-1, 'sw': min(rq-1, cq-1), 'se': min(rq-1, n - cq), 'w': cq-1, 'e': n - cq} for _ in range(k): r, c = map(int, input().split()) if c == cq: if r > rq: moves['n'] = min(r-rq-1, moves['n']) else: moves['s'] = min(rq-r-1, moves['s']) elif r == rq: if c > cq: moves['e'] = min(c-cq-1, moves['e']) else: moves['w'] = min(cq-c-1, moves['w']) elif c - r == cq - rq: if c < cq and r < rq: moves['sw'] = min(min(cq-c-1, rq-r-1), moves['sw']) elif c > cq and r > rq: moves['ne'] = min(min(c-cq-1, r-rq-1), moves['ne']) elif c + r == cq + rq: if c < cq and r > rq: moves['nw'] = min(min(r-rq-1, cq-c-1), moves['nw']) elif c > cq and r < rq: moves['se'] = min(min(rq-r-1, c-cq-1), moves['se']) print(sum(moves.values())) Problem solution in Java Programming. import java.util.*; public final class Solution { public static final void main(String[] args) { int n, rq, cq; Set<Long> o; try (Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in)) { n = in.nextInt(); int k = in.nextInt(); rq = in.nextInt(); cq = in.nextInt(); o = new HashSet<>(k); while (k --> 0) { int ro = in.nextInt(), co = in.nextInt(); o.add((long)ro << 32 | co); } } int t = 0; for (int d[] : new int[][] {{-1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, +1}, { 0, -1}, { 0, +1}, {+1, -1}, {+1, 0}, {+1, +1}}) { for (int r = rq + d[0], c = cq + d[1]; 1 <= r && r <= n && 1 <= c && c <= n && !o.contains((long)r << 32 | c); r += d[0], c += d[1]) { t++; } } System.out.println(t); } } Problem solution in C++ programming. #include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <bitset> #include <cstdio> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <numeric> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <unordered_map> int n; using namespace std; map<pair<int,int>,int> q; int dl(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1<n && i2>1){ i1++; i2--; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int up(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1>1){ i1--; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int dw(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1<n){ i1++; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int lf(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i2>1){ i2--; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int rg(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i2<n){ i2++; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int ur(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1>1 && i2<n){ i1--; i2++; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int ul(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1>1 && i2>1){ i1--; i2--; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int dr(int i1,int i2){ int ret=0; while(i1<n && i2<n){ i1++; i2++; if(q[{i1,i2}]) break; ret++; } return ret; } int main(){ int k; cin >> n >> k; int f; int g; cin >> f >> g; for(int a0 = 0; a0 < k; a0++){ int rObstacle; int cObstacle; cin >> rObstacle >> cObstacle; q[{rObstacle,cObstacle}]=1; } cout<<up(f,g)+dw(f,g)+lf(f,g)+rg(f,g)+ur(f,g)+ul(f,g)+dl(f,g)+dr(f,g); return 0; } Problem solution in C programming. #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) int rQueen; int cQueen; int B[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0}; enum { U, D, L, R, UR, DR, DL, UL }; int blocks(int r, int c) { if (r == rQueen) return c > cQueen ? R : L; if (c == cQueen) return r > rQueen ? U : D; if (abs(r - rQueen) == abs(c - cQueen)) { if (r < rQueen && c < cQueen) return DL; if (r < rQueen && c > cQueen) return DR; if (r > rQueen && c < cQueen) return UL; return UR; } return -1; } int main(){ int n; int k; scanf("%d %d",&n,&k); scanf("%d %d",&rQueen,&cQueen); B[D] = rQueen - 1; B[U] = n - rQueen; B[L] = cQueen - 1; B[R] = n - cQueen; B[UL] = min(B[U], B[L]); B[UR] = min(B[U], B[R]); B[DL] = min(B[D], B[L]); B[DR] = min(B[D], B[R]); for(int a0 = 0; a0 < k; a0++){ int rObstacle; int cObstacle; scanf("%d %d",&rObstacle,&cObstacle); int b = blocks(rObstacle, cObstacle); if (b != -1) { int nv = max(abs(rObstacle-rQueen), abs(cObstacle-cQueen)) - 1; if (nv < B[b]) B[b] = nv; } } int s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; s += B[i++]) {} printf("%dn", s); return 0; } Problem solution in JavaScript programming. process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('ascii'); var input_stdin = ""; var input_stdin_array = ""; var input_currentline = 0; process.stdin.on('data', function (data) { input_stdin += data; }); process.stdin.on('end', function () { input_stdin_array = input_stdin.split("n"); main(); }); function readLine() { return input_stdin_array[input_currentline++]; } /////////////// ignore above this line //////////////////// function main() { var n_temp = readLine().split(' '); var n = parseInt(n_temp[0]); var k = parseInt(n_temp[1]); var rQueen_temp = readLine().split(' '); var rQueen = parseInt(rQueen_temp[0]); var cQueen = parseInt(rQueen_temp[1]); var left = cQueen - 1; var right = n - cQueen; var above = n - rQueen; var below = rQueen - 1; var above_left = Math.min(above, left); var below_left = Math.min(below, left); var above_right = Math.min(above, right); var below_right = Math.min(below, right); for(var a0 = 0; a0 < k; a0++){ var rObstacle_temp = readLine().split(' '); var rObstacle = parseInt(rObstacle_temp[0]); var cObstacle = parseInt(rObstacle_temp[1]); if (rObstacle === rQueen) { if (cObstacle < cQueen) { left = Math.min(left, cQueen - cObstacle - 1); } else { right = Math.min(right, cObstacle - cQueen - 1); } } else if (cObstacle === cQueen) { if (rObstacle < rQueen) { below = Math.min(below, rQueen - rObstacle - 1); } else { above = Math.min(above, rObstacle - rQueen - 1); } } else if (rObstacle - cObstacle === rQueen - cQueen) { if (cObstacle < cQueen) { below_left = Math.min(below_left, cQueen - cObstacle - 1); } else { above_right = Math.min(above_right, cObstacle - cQueen - 1); } } else if (rObstacle + cObstacle === rQueen + cQueen) { if (cObstacle < cQueen) { above_left = Math.min(above_left, cQueen - cObstacle - 1); } else { below_right = Math.min(below_right, cObstacle - cQueen - 1); } } } console.log(left + right + above + below + above_left + below_left + above_right + below_right); } algorithm coding problems