HackerRank Partial Applications problem solution in ruby YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Partial Applications problem solution in ruby programming In Partial Application, we create a lambda that takes a parameter and returns a lambda that does something with it. Example: multiply_function = -> (number) do -> (another_number) do number * another_number end end doubler = multiply_function.(2) tripler = multiply_function.(3) puts doubler.(4) puts tripler.(4) In the above example, the lambda will take number as a parameter, and return a lambda. When you call this lambda with another_number, it will return the product of the two. Task You are given a partially complete code. Your task is to fill in the blanks (_______). Here, the combination is a variable that stores a partial application that computes combination nCr. Problem solution. class Integer def fact (1..self).reduce(:*) || 1 end end combination = -> (n) do -> (r) do n.fact / (r.fact*(n-r).fact) end end n = gets.to_i r = gets.to_i nCr = combination.(n) puts nCr.(r) Second solution. combination = -> (n) do -> (r) do top = (n-r+1..n).reduce(:*) top/(1..r).reduce(:*) end end n = gets.to_i r = gets.to_i nCr = combination.(n) puts nCr.(r) coding problems ruby