In this HackerRank No Idea! problem solution in Python There is an array of n integers. There are also 2 disjoint sets, A and B, each containing m integers. You like all the integers in set A and dislike all the integers in set B. Your initial happiness is 0. For each i integer in the array, if i∈A, you add 1 to your happiness. If i∈B, you add -1 to your happiness. Otherwise, your happiness does not change. Output your final happiness at the end.
Problem solution in Python 2 programming.
import sys def main(): h = Happiness() input = get_input() m = input["m"] n = input["n"] n_array = input["n_array"] A_set = input["A_set"] B_set = input["B_set"] for num in n_array: if num in A_set: h.incr() elif num in B_set: h.decr() print h.val class Happiness(): def __init__(self): self.val = 0 def incr(self): self.val += 1 def decr(self): self.val -= 1 def get_input(): input_m_n = sys.stdin.readline().strip() input_n_array = sys.stdin.readline().strip() input_A_set = sys.stdin.readline().strip() input_B_set = sys.stdin.readline().strip() m, n = input_m_n.split(' ') n_array = input_n_array.split(' ') A_set = set(input_A_set.split(' ')) B_set = set(input_B_set.split(' ')) result = {"m":m, "n":n, "n_array": n_array, "A_set": A_set, "B_set": B_set} return result if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Problem solution in Python 3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT n, m = input().split() sc_ar = input().split() A = set(input().split()) B = set(input().split()) print(sum([(i in A) - (i in B) for i in sc_ar]))
Problem solution in pypy programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT n, m = raw_input().split() arr = raw_input().split() A = set(raw_input().split()) B = set(raw_input().split()) print sum([(i in A) - (i in B) for i in arr])
Problem solution in pypy3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT numlst =input().split() l = input().split() A = set(input().split()) B = set(input().split()) print(len(list(filter(lambda x: x in A, l))) - len(list(filter(lambda x: x in B, l))))