In this HackerRank Maximizing Mission Points problem solution we have given d_lat, d_long, and the definitions for n cities. we need to find and print the maximum possible total points that Xander can earn on a mission.
Problem solution in Python.
from collections import namedtuple from bisect import bisect_left import sys Place = namedtuple('Place', 'lat, long, height, points') chunkplaces={} # places get inserted into lists contained here, grouped by keys of their locations chunkvals={} # holds values giant = False def getkey(place, off_lat=0, off_long=0): return (( // d_lat + off_lat) * 200011) + place.long // d_long + off_long # unique for n<=200000 def recordvalue(place, val): if val < 0: return # not worth going here; no need to track key = getkey(place) if key not in chunkplaces: chunkplaces[key] = [] chunkvals[key] = [] if giant: if len(chunkvals[key]) == 0: chunkvals[key].append(-val) chunkplaces[key].append(place) else: if val < -chunkvals[key][0]: return else: chunkvals[key][0] = -val chunkplaces[key][0] = place else: i = bisect_left(chunkvals[key], -val) chunkplaces[key].insert(i, place) chunkvals[key].insert(i, -val) # print(i, val, [val for val in chunkvals[key]]) def getbestinchunk(place, key, best): # find best suitable match in chunk if key not in chunkvals: return 0 for i, (cand, val) in enumerate(zip(chunkplaces[key], chunkvals[key])): # print("evaluating %s"%cand) if -val < best: # this is the best we have, but it's not as good as we've seen other places; abort return 0 if abs( - <= d_lat and abs(place.long - cand.long) <= d_long : # and cand.height > place.height: # height is given, assuming they're unique # suitable, return it return -val # no suitable match return 0 def getbest(place): # find best match in this and neighboring chunks, then pick the best best = 0 # always have the option to stop here for i in [0,1,-1]: for j in [0,1,-1]: key = getkey(place, i, j) ret = getbestinchunk(place, key, best) if ret > best: best = ret return best def calculatevalue(place): val = place.points + getbest(place) recordvalue(place, val) return val if __name__ == "__main__": n, d_lat, d_long = input().strip().split(' ') n, d_lat, d_long = [int(n), int(d_lat), int(d_long)] places = [] if d_lat == 200000: giant = True for a0 in range(n): latitude, longitude, height, points = input().strip().split(' ') latitude, longitude, height, points = [int(latitude), int(longitude), int(height), int(points)] places.append(Place(latitude, longitude, height, points)) places.sort(key=lambda p: -p.height) # compute highest first best = 0 for p in places: ret = calculatevalue(p) if ret > best: best = ret print(best)
Problem solution in Java.
import java.util.*; public class Solution1 { public static class Point { public int l; public int r; public int xt; public int yt; public long tot; public Point(int l, int r, int xt, int yt) { this.l = l; this.r = r; this.xt = xt; = yt; this.tot = 0; } } static final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { int n = scanner.nextInt(), x = scanner.nextInt(), y = scanner.nextInt(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Point>> blocks = new HashMap<>(); long maxPoints = Long.MIN_VALUE; int MAXIMUM = 200000; Point[] points = new Point[MAXIMUM]; Arrays.fill(points, null); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int l = scanner.nextInt(), r = scanner.nextInt(),xt = scanner.nextInt(), yt = scanner.nextInt(); Point point = new Point(l, r, xt, yt); points[xt - 1] = point; } for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM; i++) { Point curPoint = points[i]; if (points[i] != null) { int blockNumber = points[i].l / x; Point curMax = null; Point max = null; ArrayList<Point> prevBlock = getBlock(blockNumber - 1, blocks); ArrayList<Point> curBlock = getBlock(blockNumber, blocks); ArrayList<Point> nextBlock = getBlock(blockNumber + 1, blocks); if (prevBlock != null) { curMax = findMax(prevBlock, curPoint, x, y); max = curMax; } curMax = findMax(curBlock, curPoint, x, y); if (max == null) { max = curMax; } else { if (curMax != null && curMax.tot >= max.tot) { max = curMax; } } curMax = findMax(nextBlock, curPoint, x, y); if (max == null) { max = curMax; } else { if (curMax != null && curMax.tot >= max.tot) { max = curMax; } } curPoint.tot = (max != null ? max.tot + :; addPoint(curBlock, curPoint, 0, curBlock.size() - 1); if (maxPoints < curPoint.tot) { maxPoints = curPoint.tot; } } } if (maxPoints == Long.MIN_VALUE) { System.out.println(0); } else { System.out.println(maxPoints); } } private static ArrayList<Point> getBlock(int blockNumber, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Point>> blocks) { if (blockNumber < 0) { return null; } ArrayList<Point> block = blocks.get(blockNumber); if (block == null) { block = new ArrayList<>(); blocks.put(blockNumber, block); } return block; } private static Point findMax(ArrayList<Point> block, Point point, int ld, int rd) { for (int i = block.size(); i > 0; i--) { Point prevPoint = block.get(i - 1); if (Math.abs(prevPoint.r - point.r) <= rd && Math.abs(prevPoint.l - point.l) <= ld) { return prevPoint; } } return null; } private static void addPoint(ArrayList<Point> block, Point point, int left, int right) { final long value = point.tot; if (block.isEmpty()) { block.add(point); } else if (right - left <= 1) { long leftValue = block.get(left).tot; long rightValue = block.get(right).tot; if (value < leftValue) { block.add(left, point); } else if (value >= leftValue && value <= rightValue) { block.add(right, point); } else { if (block.size() - 1 == right) { block.add(point); } else { int index = right + 1; block.add(index, point); } } } else { int middle = (right + left) / 2; long middleValue = block.get(middle).tot; if (middleValue <= value) { addPoint(block, point, middle, right); } else { addPoint(block, point, left, middle); } } } }
Problem solution in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 200000; const long long INF = 1e15; long long tree[MAXN * 4]; void makeTree() { for (int i = 1; i < MAXN * 4; ++i) { tree[i] = -INF; } } void update(int x, long long val, int u = 1, int l = 1, int r = MAXN) { if (l == r) { tree[u] = val; return; } int m = (l + r) / 2; if (x <= m) { update(x, val, 2 * u, l, m); } else { update(x, val, 2 * u + 1, m + 1, r); } tree[u] = max(tree[2 * u], tree[2 * u + 1]); } long long query(int x, int y, int u = 1, int l = 1, int r = MAXN) { if (x > r or y < l) { return -INF; } if (x <= l and r <= y) { return tree[u]; } int m = (l + r) / 2; return max(query(x, y, 2 * u, l, m), query(x, y, 2 * u + 1, m + 1, r)); } struct Point { int x, y, z, w; long long dp; bool operator < (const Point &o) const { return z < o.z; } }; Point p[MAXN + 1]; long long DP[MAXN + 1]; int X_LIM, Y_LIM; void merge(int l, int r) { int m = (l + r) / 2; vector<pair<int, int> > left; vector<pair<int, int> > right; for (int i = l; i <= m; ++i) { left.push_back({p[i].x, p[i].z}); } for (int i = m + 1; i <= r; ++i) { right.push_back({p[i].x, p[i].z}); } sort(left.begin(), left.end()); sort(right.begin(), right.end()); int left_l = 0; int left_r = -1; for (auto u : right) { int i = u.second; int x = u.first; while (left_r + 1 < left.size() and left[left_r + 1].first - x <= X_LIM) { ++left_r; int who = left[left_r].second; update(p[who].y, p[who].dp); } while (left_l < left.size() and x - left[left_l].first > X_LIM) { int who = left[left_l].second; update(p[who].y, -INF); ++left_l; } int yLow = max(1, p[i].y - Y_LIM); int yHigh = min(MAXN, p[i].y + Y_LIM); p[i].dp = max(p[i].dp, p[i].w + query(yLow, yHigh)); } while (left_l <= left_r) { int who = left[left_l].second; update(p[who].y, -INF); ++left_l; } } void solve(int l, int r) { if (l == r) { p[l].dp = max(p[l].dp, (long long)p[l].w); return; } int m = (l + r) / 2; solve(l, m); merge(l, r); solve(m + 1, r); } int main() { makeTree(); int n; scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &X_LIM, &Y_LIM); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { scanf("%d %d %d %d", &p[i].x, &p[i].y, &p[i].z, &p[i].w); p[i].dp = -INF; } sort(p, p + n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { p[i].z = i; } solve(0, n - 1); long long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans = max(ans, p[i].dp); } printf("%lldn", ans); }
Problem solution in C.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct _tree { int *y; long long *a; int size; int N; int *left_idx; int *right_idx; } tree; int diff(int x,int y); long long max(long long x,long long y); void init(int n,int *N); long long range_sum( int i, int j); void updatea(int i); void build(int v); void merge(tree *t,tree *x,tree *y); int get_i(int*a,int num,int size); int med(int*a,int size); long long query(int v); void update(int v,int idx); int x1,x2,y1,y2,N,tl[800000],tr[800000]; long long val,*tt; int lat[200000]={0},lon[200000]={0},poi[200000],tla[200000]={0}; tree t[800000]; int main() { int n,x,y,c,i,j,max_idx=-1,a,b,C,d; long long max=0,dp; scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&x,&y); for(i=c=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&C,&d); if(d>0) c++; lat[C-1]=a; lon[C-1]=b; poi[C-1]=d; tla[a-1]=b; } if(!c) { printf("0"); return 0; } tl[1]=0; tr[1]=199999; build(1); for(i=199999;i>=0;i--) if(lat[i]) { if(max_idx!=-1 && diff(lat[max_idx],lat[i])<=x && diff(lon[max_idx],lon[i])<=y) { dp=max; } else { x1=lat[i]-x-1; x2=lat[i]+x-1; y1=lon[i]-y; y2=lon[i]+y; dp=query(1); } if(dp>0) dp+=poi[i]; else dp=poi[i]; if(dp>max){ max=dp; max_idx=i; } if(dp>0){ x1=lat[i]-1; y1=lon[i]; val=dp; update(1,-1); } } printf("%lld",max); return 0; } int diff(int x,int y) { return (x<y)?(y-x):(x-y); } long long max(long long x,long long y) { return (x>y)?x:y; } void init(int n,int *N) { (*N) = 1; while( (*N) < n ) (*N) *= 2; } long long range_sum( int i, int j) { long long ans = 0; for( i += N, j += N; i <= j; i = ( i + 1 ) / 2, j = ( j - 1 ) / 2 ) { if( i % 2 == 1 ) ans = max(ans,tt[i]); if( j % 2 == 0 ) ans = max(ans,tt[j]); } return ans; } void updatea(int i) { int j; for( j = i + N; j; j /= 2 ) tt[j] = max(tt[j],val); } void build(int v) { if(tl[v]==tr[v]) { t[v].size=1; t[v].y=(int*)malloc(t[v].size*sizeof(int)); t[v].a=(long long*)malloc(4*t[v].size*sizeof(long long)); memset(t[v].a,0,4*t[v].size*sizeof(long long)); t[v].y[0]=tla[tl[v]]; init(t[v].size,&t[v].N); } else { int tm=(tl[v]+tr[v])/2; tl[2*v]=tl[v]; tl[2*v+1]=tm+1; tr[2*v]=tm; tr[2*v+1]=tr[v]; build(v*2); build(v*2+1); merge(&t[v],&t[v*2],&t[v*2+1]); } return; } void merge(tree *t,tree *x,tree *y) { int i=0,j=0; t->size=x->size+y->size; t->y=(int*)malloc(t->size*sizeof(int)); t->left_idx=(int*)malloc(t->size*sizeof(int)); t->right_idx=(int*)malloc(t->size*sizeof(int)); t->a=(long long*)malloc(t->size*sizeof(long long)*4); memset(t->a,0,t->size*sizeof(long long)*4); init(t->size,&t->N); while(i<x->size || j<y->size) { if(i==x->size){ t->y[i+j]=y->y[j]; t->left_idx[i+j]=i-1; t->right_idx[i+j]=j; j++; } else if(j==y->size) { t->y[i+j]=x->y[i]; t->left_idx[i+j]=i; t->right_idx[i+j]=j-1; i++; } else if(x->y[i]<=y->y[j]) { t->y[i+j]=x->y[i]; t->left_idx[i+j]=i; t->right_idx[i+j]=j-1; i++; } else{ t->y[i+j]=y->y[j]; t->left_idx[i+j]=i-1; t->right_idx[i+j]=j; j++; } } return; } int get_i(int*a,int num,int size) { if(size==0) { return 0; } if(num>med(a,size)) { return get_i(&a[(size+1)>>1],num,size>>1)+((size+1)>>1); } else { return get_i(a,num,(size-1)>>1); } } int med(int*a,int size) { return a[(size-1)>>1]; } long long query(int v) { int i,j; if(tl[v]>x2 || tr[v]<x1 || !t[v].a[1]) return 0; if(tl[v]>=x1 && tr[v]<=x2){ i=get_i(t[v].y,y1,t[v].size); j=get_i(t[v].y,y2+1,t[v].size)-1; if(j<i) return 0; N=t[v].N; tt=t[v].a; return range_sum(i,j); } else if(tl[v]!=tr[v]) return max(query(2*v),query(2*v+1)); return 0; } void update(int v,int idx) { if(tl[v]<=x1 && tr[v]>=x1) { if(idx==-1) idx=get_i(t[v].y,y1,t[v].size); N=t[v].N; tt=t[v].a; updatea(idx); if(tl[v]!=tr[v]) { update(v*2,t[v].left_idx[idx]); update(v*2+1,t[v].right_idx[idx]); } } return; }