In this HackerRank itertools.permutations() problem solution in python This tool returns successive r length permutations of elements in an iterable.
If r is not specified or is None, then r defaults to the length of the iterable, and all possible full length permutations are generated.
Permutations are printed in a lexicographic sorted order. So, if the input iterable is sorted, the permutation tuples will be produced in a sorted order.
You are given a string S.
Your task is to print all possible permutations of size k of the string in lexicographic sorted order.
Problem solution in Python 2 programming.
from itertools import permutations S,k = raw_input().split() k = int(k) print 'n'.join(sorted(''.join(p) for p in permutations(S,k)))
Problem solution in Python 3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT from itertools import permutations s,n = input().split() print(*[''.join(i) for i in permutations(sorted(s),int(n))],sep='n')
Problem solution in pypy programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT from itertools import permutations string_number = raw_input().split() string = string_number[0] number = map(int, string_number[1]) for elem in sorted(list(permutations(string, number[0]))): n = len(elem) elem_print = "" for i in range(0, n): elem_print+=elem[i] print elem_print
Problem solution in pypy3 programming.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT import itertools ll, n = input().split() for i in itertools.permutations(sorted(ll),int(n)): print("".join(i))