In this HackerRank Day 9: Binary Calculator 10 Days of javascript problem Implement a simple calculator that performs the following operations on binary numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
HackerRank Day 9: Binary calculator 10 days of javascript problem solution.
JavaScript File
var opr = “”;
var screen = document.getElementById(“res”);
screen.innerHTML = “”;
function buttonClicked(e) {
var btn = || e.srcElement;
if ( != “btnClr” && != “btnEql”) {
screen.innerHTML += btn.innerHTML;
if ( != “btn0” && != “btn1”) {
opr = btn.innerHTML;
} else if ( == “btnEql”) {
var str = screen.innerHTML.split(opr);
var op1 = str[0];
var op2 = str[1];
/* The double bitwise NOT (‘~~’) is a shortcut for Math.floor() */
screen.innerHTML = (~~eval(parseInt(op1, 2) + opr + parseInt(op2, 2))).toString(2);
opr = “”;
} else if ( == “btnClr”) {
screen.innerHTML = “”;
opr = “”;
CSS File
#res {
width: 81%;
height: 48px;
font-size: 20px;
background: #d3d3d3;
border: solid;
.btnContainer {
width: 90%;
.btnContainer > .btnStyle1, .btnStyle2, .btnStyle3 {
width: 22%;
height: 36px;
font-size: 18px;
.btnContainer > .btnStyle1 {
background: lightgreen;
color: brown;
.btnContainer > .btnStyle2 {
background: darkgreen;
color: white;
.btnContainer > .btnStyle3 {
background: black;
color: red;