HackerRank Blocks problem solution in ruby YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Blocks problem solution in ruby programming, Higher-order functions are one of the key components of functional programming. A higher-order function is a tool that takes other functions as parameters or returns them as a result. Blocks are nameless methods that can be passed to another method as a parameter. Passing a block to a method is a great way of data abstraction. Blocks can either be defined with a keyword do … end or curly braces { … }. Example: a). Passing a block to a method that takes no parameter CODE def call_block puts “Start of method.” yield puts “End of method.” end call_block do puts “I am inside call_block method.” end OUTPUT Start of method. I am inside call_block method. End of method. In this example, a block is passed to the call_block method. To invoke this block inside the method, we used a keyword, yield. Calling yield will execute the code within the block that is provided to the method. b). Passing a block to a method that takes one or more parameters. CODE def calculate(a,b) yield(a, b) end puts calculate(15, 10) {|a, b| a – b} OUTPUT 5 In this example, we have defined a method calculate that takes two parameters a and b. The yield statement invokes the block with parameters a and b, and executes it. Task You are given a partially complete code. Your task is to fill in the blanks (_______). The factorial method computes: n! { n x n – 1 x … 2 x 1 }. Problem solution. def factorial yield end n = gets.to_i factorial do puts "#{(1..n).inject(:*) || 1}" end Second solution. def factorial(n) x = (1..n).inject(:*) || 1 yield(x) end n = gets.to_i factorial(n) do |x| puts x end coding problems ruby