In this HackerRank Balanced Forest Interview preparation kit problem You need to Complete the balancedForest function. It must return an integer representing the minimum value of c[w] that can be added to allow the creation of a balanced forest, or -1 if it is not possible.
Problem solution in Python programming.
from operator import attrgetter from itertools import groupby from sys import stderr class Node: def __init__(self, index, value): self.index = index self.value = value self.children = [] def readtree(): size = int(input()) values = readints() assert size == len(values) nodes = [Node(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(values)] for _ in range(size - 1): x, y = readints() nodes[x-1].children.append(nodes[y-1]) nodes[y-1].children.append(nodes[x-1]) return nodes def readints(): return [int(fld) for fld in input().strip().split()] def findbestbal(nodes): if len(nodes) == 1: return -1 rootify(nodes[0]) # print([(n.index, n.value, n.totalval) for n in nodes], file=stderr) best = total = nodes[0].totalval dummynode = Node(None, None) dummynode.totalval = 0 sortnode = [] for k, g in groupby(sorted([dummynode] + nodes, key = attrgetter('totalval')), attrgetter('totalval')): sortnode.append(list(g)) total = nodes[0].totalval for ihi, n in enumerate(sortnode): if 3 * n[0].totalval >= total: break else: assert False ilo = ihi - 1 for ihi in range(ihi, len(sortnode)): hi = sortnode[ihi][0].totalval lo = sortnode[ilo][0].totalval while 2 * hi + lo > total: if lo == 0: return -1 if (total - lo) % 2 == 0: x = (total - lo) // 2 for lonode in sortnode[ilo]: if uptototalval(lonode, x + lo): return x - lo ilo -= 1 lo = sortnode[ilo][0].totalval if len(sortnode[ihi]) > 1: return 3 * hi - total hinode = sortnode[ihi][0] if 2 * hi + lo == total: for lonode in sortnode[ilo]: if uptototalval(lonode, hi) != hinode: return hi - lo y = total - 2 * hi if uptototalval(hinode, 2 * hi) or uptototalval(hinode, hi + y): return hi - y def rootify(root): root.parent = root.jumpup = None root.depth = 0 bfnode = [root] i = 0 while i < len(bfnode): node = bfnode[i] depth = node.depth + 1 jumpup = uptodepth(node, depth & (depth - 1)) for child in node.children: child.parent = node child.children.remove(node) child.depth = depth child.jumpup = jumpup bfnode.append(child) i += 1 for node in reversed(bfnode): node.totalval = node.value + sum(child.totalval for child in node.children) def uptodepth(node, depth): while node.depth > depth: if node.jumpup.depth <= depth: node = node.jumpup else: node = node.parent return node def uptototalval(node, totalval): try: # print('uptototalval(%s,%s)' % (node.index, totalval), file=stderr) while node.totalval < totalval: if node.parent is None: return None if node.jumpup.totalval <= totalval: node = node.jumpup else: node = node.parent # print((node.index, node.totalval), file=stderr) if node.totalval == totalval: return node else: return None except Exception: return None ncases = int(input()) for _ in range(ncases): print(findbestbal(readtree()))
Problem solution in Java Programming.
import*; import java.util.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ Scanner scanner = new Scanner( ; int q = scanner.nextInt() ; if (q < 1 || q > 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("1<=Q<=50000") ; } while(q>0) { int n = scanner.nextInt() ; if (n < 1 || n > 50000) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("1<=N<=50000") ; } List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(n) ; List<GraphNode> graph = new ArrayList<GraphNode>(n) ; List<TreeNode> tree = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(n) ; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { Node node = new Node(i,scanner.nextInt()) ; nodes.add(node) ; graph.add(new GraphNode(node)) ; tree.add(new TreeNode(node)) ; } List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>() ; for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) { Edge edge = new Edge(scanner.nextInt(), scanner.nextInt()) ; edges.add(edge) ; addEdge(graph,edge) ; } graphsToTree(graph.get(0),tree,new HashSet<Node>()) ; //System.out.println(tree.get(0)) ; //System.out.println(edges) ; System.out.println(findMinCw(tree, edges, tree.get(0))) ; q-- ; } } private static class Node { int nodeId ; long coins=0 ; public Node(int nodeId, long coins) { this.nodeId = nodeId ; this.coins = coins ; } public int getNodeId() { return nodeId ; } public long getCoins() { return coins ; } public boolean equals(Node node) { return (node!=null && node.getNodeId() == nodeId) ; } public int hashCode() { return nodeId ; } public String toString() { return String.format("nodeId:%s, coins:%d",nodeId,coins) ; } } private static class GraphNode { final Node node ; Set<GraphNode> connectedNodes = new HashSet<GraphNode>() ; public GraphNode(Node node) { this.node = node ; } public Node getNode() { return node ; } public void addConnection(GraphNode addNode) { connectedNodes.add(addNode) ; } public void removeConnection(GraphNode removeNode) { connectedNodes.remove(removeNode) ; } public Set<GraphNode> getConnectedNodes() { return connectedNodes ; } public String toString() { return String.format("Node:%s, connectedNodes[%s]",node.toString(),connectedNodesToString()) ; } private String connectedNodesToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder() ; for(GraphNode node : connectedNodes) { builder.append("Node:").append(node).append(",") ; } return builder.toString() ; } } private static class TreeNode { final Node node ; TreeNode parentNode ; Set<TreeNode> childNodes = new HashSet<TreeNode>() ; long totalCoins ; public TreeNode(Node node) { this.node = node ; totalCoins = node.getCoins() ; } public Node getNode() { return node ; } public long getTotalCoins() { return totalCoins ; } public Set<TreeNode> getChildNodes() { return childNodes ; } public void setParent(TreeNode node) { if(parentNode!=null && node!=null){ throw new RuntimeException("Multiple parent is not supported. parent:"+parentNode+" current:"+this+" new parent:"+node); } parentNode = node ; } public void addChildNode(TreeNode node) { childNodes.add(node) ; totalCoins+=node.getTotalCoins() ; node.setParent(this) ; if (parentNode!=null) { parentNode.addChildCoins(node.getTotalCoins()) ; } } public void addChildCoins(long childCoins) { totalCoins += childCoins ; if (parentNode!=null) { parentNode.addChildCoins(childCoins) ; } } public void removeChildNode(TreeNode node) { childNodes.remove(node) ; totalCoins-=node.getTotalCoins() ; node.setParent(null) ; if (parentNode!=null) { parentNode.removeChildCoins(node.getTotalCoins()) ; } } public void removeChildCoins(long childCoins) { totalCoins -= childCoins ; if (parentNode!=null) { parentNode.removeChildCoins(childCoins) ; } } public boolean isParentOf(TreeNode childNode) { return childNodes.contains(childNode) ; } public boolean isRoot() { return parentNode == null ; } public String toString() { return String.format("Node:%s, totalCoins:%d, parentNode:%s, childNodes:[%s]",node.toString(), totalCoins, (parentNode!=null)?parentNode.getNode().toString():"NULL",childNodes.toString()) ; } } private static class Edge { int node1 ; int node2 ; public Edge(int node1, int node2) { this.node1 = node1 ; this.node2 = node2 ; } public int getNode1() { return node1 ; } public int getNode2() { return node2 ; } public void swapNode() { int tmpNode = node1 ; node1 = node2 ; node2 = tmpNode ; } public String toString() { return "node1:"+node1+" node2:"+node2 ; } } private static void addEdge(List<GraphNode> nodes, Edge edge) { nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1).addConnection(nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1)) ; nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1).addConnection(nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1)) ; } private static void removeEdge(List<GraphNode> nodes, Edge edge) { nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1).removeConnection(nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1)) ; nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1).removeConnection(nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1)) ; } private static void graphsToTree(GraphNode graph, List<TreeNode> treeNodes, Set<Node> visitedNode) { TreeNode treeNode = treeNodes.get(graph.getNode().getNodeId()-1) ; visitedNode.add(graph.getNode()) ; for(GraphNode connectedNode : graph.getConnectedNodes()) { if (!visitedNode.contains(connectedNode.getNode())) { treeNode.addChildNode(treeNodes.get(connectedNode.getNode().getNodeId()-1)) ; visitedNode.add(connectedNode.getNode()) ; graphsToTree(connectedNode, treeNodes, visitedNode) ; } } } private static TreeNode removeTreeEdge(List<TreeNode> nodes, Edge edge) { TreeNode node1 = nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1) ; TreeNode node2 = nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1) ; if (node1.isParentOf(node2)) { // node1 is parent of node2 node1.removeChildNode(node2) ; return node2 ; } else { node2.removeChildNode(node1) ; edge.swapNode() ; return node1 ; } } private static void addTreeEdge(List<TreeNode> nodes, Edge edge, TreeNode rootNode) { TreeNode node1 = nodes.get(edge.getNode1()-1) ; TreeNode node2 = nodes.get(edge.getNode2()-1) ; node1.addChildNode(node2) ; } //DFS on subTree with expected value private static boolean findSubTreeWithValue(TreeNode searchRoot, TreeNode tree, long expectedValue) { if (searchRoot.getTotalCoins() <= expectedValue || tree.getTotalCoins() <= expectedValue) { return false ; } for(TreeNode subTree : tree.getChildNodes()) { long subTreeCoins = subTree.getTotalCoins() ; long remainingCoins = searchRoot.getTotalCoins()-subTreeCoins ; if (subTreeCoins == expectedValue || remainingCoins==expectedValue) { return true ; } if (findSubTreeWithValue(searchRoot,subTree,expectedValue)) { return true ; } } return false ; } public static long findMinCw(List<TreeNode> nodes, List<Edge> edges, TreeNode rootNode) { long minCw = -1 ; for (int i = 0; i<edges.size() ;i++) { Edge removeEdge1 = edges.get(i) ; TreeNode tree1 = removeTreeEdge(nodes,removeEdge1) ; long nodes1Coins = rootNode.getTotalCoins() ; long nodes2Coins = tree1.getTotalCoins() ; long largeSetCoins, smallSetCoins ; TreeNode treeToSplit = null ; if (nodes1Coins == nodes2Coins) { long cw = nodes1Coins ; if (minCw <0 || cw < minCw) { minCw = cw ; } addTreeEdge(nodes, removeEdge1, rootNode); continue ; } else if (nodes1Coins>nodes2Coins) { largeSetCoins = nodes1Coins ; smallSetCoins = nodes2Coins ; treeToSplit = rootNode ; } else { largeSetCoins = nodes2Coins ; smallSetCoins = nodes1Coins ; treeToSplit = tree1 ; } long expectedCw = -1 ; long expectedCw1 = -1 ; long searchValue ; if (largeSetCoins%2 == 0) { expectedCw1 = largeSetCoins/2l - smallSetCoins ; } long expectedCw2 = smallSetCoins - (largeSetCoins - smallSetCoins) ; if (expectedCw1 >= 0 && expectedCw2 >=0) { expectedCw = Math.min(expectedCw1,expectedCw2) ; } else if (expectedCw1 >= 0) { expectedCw = expectedCw1 ; } else if (expectedCw2 >= 0) { expectedCw = expectedCw2 ; } if (expectedCw<0 || (minCw >0 && expectedCw > minCw)) { addTreeEdge(nodes, removeEdge1, rootNode); continue ; } if (expectedCw == expectedCw1) { searchValue = largeSetCoins/2l ; } else { searchValue = smallSetCoins ; } if (findSubTreeWithValue(treeToSplit, treeToSplit, searchValue)) { if (minCw <0 || expectedCw < minCw) { minCw = expectedCw ; } } addTreeEdge(nodes, removeEdge1, rootNode); } return minCw ; } }
Problem solution in C++ programming.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <set> #include <map> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <deque> #include <cassert> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const ll INF = (ll) 1e18; const int N = (int) 5e4 + 10; vector<int> g[N]; ll c[N]; ll f[N]; ll res = INF; ll tot = 0; bool was[N]; void upd(ll a, ll b, ll c) { if (a == b && c <= a) res = min(res, a - c); if (a == c && b <= a) res = min(res, a - b); if (b == c && a <= b) res = min(res, b - a); } set<ll>* unite(set<ll>* a, set<ll>* b) { if (a->size() > b->size()) swap(a, b); for (ll x : *a) { if (b->count(tot - 2 * x)) upd(tot - 2 * x, x, x); if (b->count(x)) upd(x, x, tot - 2 * x); if ((tot - x) % 2 == 0 && b->count((tot - x) / 2)) upd((tot - x) / 2, x, (tot - x) / 2); } for (ll x : *a) { b->insert(x); } delete a; return b; } set<ll>* dfs(int v) { was[v] = true; f[v] = c[v]; set<ll>* sv = new set<ll>(); for (int to : g[v]) if (!was[to]) { set<ll>* sto = dfs(to); f[v] += f[to]; sv = unite(sv, sto); } if (f[v] % 2 == 0 && sv->count(f[v] / 2)) upd(f[v] / 2, f[v] / 2, tot - f[v]); if (sv->count(tot - f[v])) upd(tot - f[v], 2 * f[v] - tot, tot - f[v]); if (sv->count(2 * f[v] - tot)) upd(2 * f[v] - tot, tot - f[v], tot - f[v]); sv->insert(f[v]); return sv; } void solve() { int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { was[i] = false; g[i].clear(); c[i] = 0; } tot = 0; res = INF; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> c[i]; tot += c[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int x, y; cin >> x >> y; --x; --y; g[x].push_back(y); g[y].push_back(x); } set<ll>* s = dfs(0); //for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // cerr << f[i] << " "; //cerr << endl; delete s; if (res == INF) res = -1; cout << res << endl; // cerr << "----------" << endl; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); int p; cin >> p; while (p--) { solve(); } return 0; }
Problem solution in C programming.
#include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char* readline(); char** split_string(char*); struct Node { int64_t sum; // sum of all node in this tree. int64_t testSum; int data; int parent; int *child; int childCnt; }; typedef struct Node Node; void sumTree(Node *root, int index) { int i; root[index].sum = root[index].data; for (i = 0; i < root[index].childCnt; i++) { int child = root[index].child[i]; if (child == root[index].parent) continue; sumTree(root, child); root[index].sum += root[child].sum; } root[index].testSum = root[index].sum; } void updateTree(Node *tree, int root, int parent) { tree[root].parent = parent; int i; for (i = 0; i < tree[root].childCnt; i++) { if (tree[root].child[i] == parent) continue; updateTree(tree, tree[root].child[i], root); } } int64_t childSum(Node *tree, int root, int branch_root, int64_t targetSum, bool *bFound) { int i; int64_t currSum = 0; if (tree[root].testSum < targetSum) return tree[root].testSum; for (i = 0; (i < tree[root].childCnt) && (*bFound==0); i++) { int child = tree[root].child[i]; if (child == tree[root].parent) continue; if (child == branch_root) continue; int64_t chSum = childSum(tree, child, branch_root, targetSum, bFound); if (chSum == targetSum) { *bFound = 1; break; } currSum += chSum; } return currSum + tree[root].data; } // Complete the balancedForest function below. int64_t balancedForest(int c_count, int* c, int edges_rows, int edges_columns, int** edges) { int i, j; // build tree. Node *tree = (Node *)calloc(c_count, sizeof(Node)); for (i = 0; i < c_count; i++) { tree[i].data = c[i]; tree[i].childCnt = 0; tree[i].child = NULL; tree[i].parent = -1; tree[i].sum = 0; } for (i = 0; i < edges_rows; i++) { int pa = edges[i][0] - 1; int ch = edges[i][1] - 1; tree[pa].child = (int *)realloc(tree[pa].child, (1 + tree[pa].childCnt) * sizeof(int)); tree[pa].child[tree[pa].childCnt] = ch; tree[pa].childCnt++; tree[ch].child = (int *)realloc(tree[ch].child, (1 + tree[ch].childCnt) * sizeof(int)); tree[ch].child[tree[ch].childCnt] = pa; tree[ch].childCnt++; } // Now update the parent_node; int root = 0; // pick the first one as root. updateTree(tree, root, -1); sumTree(tree, root); int64_t treeSum = 0; treeSum = tree[root].sum; int64_t maxSum = (treeSum - 1) / 2 + 1; int64_t minSum = treeSum / 3 - 1; int64_t minW = -1; for (i = 0; i < c_count; i++) { if (i == root) continue; //if (tree[i].sum >= minSum && tree[i].sum <= maxSum) { int64_t sumI = tree[i].sum; // Check for special case. int64_t sumJ = treeSum - sumI; if (sumI == sumJ) { if (minW<0 || minW>sumI) minW = sumI; } else { bool bFound = 0; int64_t targetSum; int searchRoot = root; int branchRoot = i; int64_t w = 0; if (sumI > sumJ) { targetSum = sumI; sumI = sumJ; sumJ = targetSum; searchRoot = i; branchRoot = root; } if ((sumI << 1) < sumJ) { targetSum = sumJ >> 1; if (sumJ - targetSum != targetSum) continue; w = targetSum - sumI; } else { targetSum = sumI; w = targetSum - (sumJ - sumI); } if (minW >= 0 && minW < w) continue; // search in the main tree // first, update the testSum; if (searchRoot == root) { int curr = tree[branchRoot].parent; int64_t branchSum = tree[branchRoot].sum; while (curr != -1) { tree[curr].testSum -= branchSum; curr = tree[curr].parent; } } childSum(tree, searchRoot, branchRoot, targetSum, &bFound); if (bFound) { if (minW == -1 || minW > w) minW = w; } // last, restore the testSum if (searchRoot == root) { int curr = tree[branchRoot].parent; while (curr != -1) { tree[curr].testSum = tree[curr].sum; curr = tree[curr].parent; } } } } } return minW; } int main() { FILE* fptr = fopen(getenv("OUTPUT_PATH"), "w"); char* q_endptr; char* q_str = readline(); int q = strtol(q_str, &q_endptr, 10); if (q_endptr == q_str || *q_endptr != ' ') { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int q_itr = 0; q_itr < q; q_itr++) { char* n_endptr; char* n_str = readline(); int n = strtol(n_str, &n_endptr, 10); if (n_endptr == n_str || *n_endptr != ' ') { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char** c_temp = split_string(readline()); int* c = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char* c_item_endptr; char* c_item_str = *(c_temp + i); int c_item = strtol(c_item_str, &c_item_endptr, 10); if (c_item_endptr == c_item_str || *c_item_endptr != ' ') { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *(c + i) = c_item; } int c_count = n; int** edges = malloc((n - 1) * sizeof(int*)); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { *(edges + i) = malloc(2 * (sizeof(int))); char** edges_item_temp = split_string(readline()); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { char* edges_item_endptr; char* edges_item_str = *(edges_item_temp + j); int edges_item = strtol(edges_item_str, &edges_item_endptr, 10); if (edges_item_endptr == edges_item_str || *edges_item_endptr != ' ') { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *(*(edges + i) + j) = edges_item; } } int edges_rows = n - 1; int edges_columns = 2; int64_t result = balancedForest(c_count, c, edges_rows, edges_columns, edges); fprintf(fptr, "%lldn", result); } fclose(fptr); return 0; } char* readline() { size_t alloc_length = 1024; size_t data_length = 0; char* data = malloc(alloc_length); while (true) { char* cursor = data + data_length; char* line = fgets(cursor, alloc_length - data_length, stdin); if (!line) { break; } data_length += strlen(cursor); if (data_length < alloc_length - 1 || data[data_length - 1] == 'n') { break; } alloc_length <<= 1; data = realloc(data, alloc_length); if (!line) { break; } } if (data[data_length - 1] == 'n') { data[data_length - 1] = ' '; data = realloc(data, data_length); } else { data = realloc(data, data_length + 1); data[data_length] = ' '; } return data; } char** split_string(char* str) { char** splits = NULL; char* token = strtok(str, " "); int spaces = 0; while (token) { splits = realloc(splits, sizeof(char*) * ++spaces); if (!splits) { return splits; } splits[spaces - 1] = token; token = strtok(NULL, " "); } return splits; }
Problem solution in JavaScript programming.
'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf-8'); let inputString = ''; let currentLine = 0; process.stdin.on('data', inputStdin => { inputString += inputStdin; }); process.stdin.on('end', function() { inputString = inputString.replace(/s*$/, '') .split('n') .map(str => str.replace(/s*$/, '')); main(); }); function readLine() { return inputString[currentLine++]; } // Complete the balancedForest function below. function balancedForest(c, edges) { const nodes = => ({ cost, adj: [], visited: false, solved: false })); for(let [a,b] of edges) { nodes[a-1].adj.push(b-1); nodes[b-1].adj.push(a-1); } const dfs = n => { if (n.visited) return 0; n.visited = true; for (let a of n.adj) n.cost += dfs(nodes[a]); return n.cost; } const sum = dfs(nodes[0]); //console.log(sum, nodes); let min = sum; const excsum = {}; const incsum = {}; const solve = n => { if (n.solved) return; n.solved = true; const cost_a = 3 * n.cost - sum; const cost_b = (sum - n.cost) / 2 - n.cost; //console.log("solve", n, { incsum, excsum }, { min, cost_a, cost_b }); // can split in two equal subtrees? if (sum % 2 === 0 && n.cost === (sum / 2)) min = Math.min(min, sum / 2); if (cost_a >= 0 && ( excsum[n.cost] // another subtree with equal cost? || excsum[sum - 2 * n.cost] // another subtree with 1/3 cost || incsum[sum - n.cost]) // edge to remove ) min = Math.min(min, cost_a); if (cost_b >= 0 && (sum - n.cost) % 2 === 0) { if (excsum[(sum - n.cost) / 2] || incsum[(sum + n.cost) / 2]) min = Math.min(min, cost_b); } incsum[n.cost] = true; for (let a of n.adj) solve(nodes[a]); delete incsum[n.cost]; excsum[n.cost] = true; } solve(nodes[0]); return min === sum ? -1 : min; } function main() { const ws = fs.createWriteStream(process.env.OUTPUT_PATH); const q = parseInt(readLine(), 10); for (let qItr = 0; qItr < q; qItr++) { const n = parseInt(readLine(), 10); const c = readLine().split(' ').map(cTemp => parseInt(cTemp, 10)); let edges = Array(n - 1); for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { edges[i] = readLine().split(' ').map(edgesTemp => parseInt(edgesTemp, 10)); } const result = balancedForest(c, edges); ws.write(result + 'n'); } ws.end(); }