HackerRank Array Manipulation problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Array Manipulation Interview preparation kit problem solution we have a Starting with a 1-indexed array of zeros and a list of operations, for each operation add a value to each array element between two given indices, inclusive. Once all operations have been performed, return the maximum value in the array. Problem solution in Python programming. #!/usr/bin/env python import itertools, sys if __name__ == '__main__': N, M = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())) x = [0] * N for _ in range(M): a, b, k = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())) x[a - 1] += k if b < N: x[b] -= k print(max(itertools.accumulate(x))) Problem solution in Java Programming. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); long size = scanner.nextLong(); Map<Long, Long> map = new HashMap<>(); long operations = scanner.nextLong(); for (long i = 0; i < operations; i++) { long start = scanner.nextLong(); long end = scanner.nextLong(); long value = scanner.nextLong(); map.put(start, (map.containsKey(start) ? map.get(start) : 0) + value); map.put(end + 1, (map.containsKey(end + 1) ? map.get(end + 1) : 0) - value); } long max = 0; long value = 0; for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) { value += (map.containsKey(i + 1) ? map.get(i + 1) : 0); max = Math.max(max, value); } System.out.println(max); } } Problem solution in C++ programming. #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int NMAX = 1e7+2; long long a[NMAX]; int main() { int n, m; cin >> n >> m; for(int i=1;i<=m;++i){ int x, y, k; cin >> x >> y >> k; a[x] += k; a[y+1] -= k; } long long x = 0,sol=-(1LL<<60); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ x += a[i]; sol = max(sol,x); } cout<<sol<<"n"; return 0; } Problem solution in C programming. #include<stdio.h> long A[10000009]={0},CF[10000009+1]={0}; int main() { long N,Q; long val,left,right,i,count=0; long maxv=-1; scanf("%ld%ld",&N,&Q); for(i=0;i<Q;i++) { scanf("%ld%ld%ld",&left,&right,&val); CF[left-1]+=val; CF[right]-=val; } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { count+=CF[i]; A[i]=count; if(count>maxv) maxv=count; } printf("%ldn",maxv); return 0; } Problem solution in JavaScript programming. function processData(input) { var splitInput = input.split("n"); var listSize = parseInt(splitInput[0].split(" ")[0]); var numInserts = parseInt(splitInput[0].split(" ")[1]); var max = 0; var amounts = Array(listSize); for (var i = 0; i < numInserts; i++) { // input is 1 based var start = parseInt(splitInput[i+1].split(" ")[0]) - 1; var end = parseInt(splitInput[i+1].split(" ")[1]); var amount = parseInt(splitInput[i+1].split(" ")[2]); amounts[start] = amounts[start] || 0; amounts[start] = amounts[start] + amount; amounts[end] = amounts[end] || 0; amounts[end] = amounts[end] - amount; } var current = 0; for (var i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { current += (amounts[i] || 0); if (current > max) { max = current; } } console.log(max); } process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding("ascii"); _input = ""; process.stdin.on("data", function (input) { _input += input; }); process.stdin.on("end", function () { processData(_input); }); coding problems data structure interview prepration kit