HackerEarth The art of verification problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth The art of verification problem solution Cleartrip decided that they wanted to verify the username and password of its users while they were authenticating for a process. One of the code services forms a GET URL which contains the username and password as its parameters. While parsing the URL, the code needs to extract the key-value pairs of ALL the parameters passed in the request URL which may contain ‘&’ or/and ‘=’. The string can contain any type of alphabetical, numeric, and special characters in the URL. HackerEarth The art of verification problem solution. s=input()un=s[s.find('username')+9:s.find('pwd')-1]pwd=s[s.find('pwd')+4:s.find('profile')-1]pr=s[s.find('profile')+8:s.find('role')-1]r=s[s.find('role')+5:s.find('key')-1]key=s[s.find('key')+4:]print("username:",un)print("pwd:",pwd)print("profile:",pr)print("role:",r)print("key:",key) coding problems