HackerEarth Supertables problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth Supertables problem solution, Little Timmy is exceptionally good at math tables, so his maths teacher decided to make things a bit more interesting. His teacher takes two numbers A and B and merges the tables of A and B in sorted order (ascending order), removing the duplicates and thus creates supertable of A and B and asks Little Timmy the Nth number in the supertable. Given A, B and N, calculate the Nth number in the supertable of A and B. HackerEarth Supertables problem solution. #include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main(){ long long t,a,b,n; cin >> t; while ( t-- ) { cin >> a >> b >> n; long long p = __gcd(a,b); p = (a*b)/p; long long L,R,M; L = 1; R = 100000000000000000LL; long long ans; while ( L <= R ) { M = (L+R)/2; long long val = M/a + M/b - M/p; if ( val == n ) { ans = max((M/a)*a, (M/b)*b); cout << ans << endl; break; } else if ( val < n ) { L = M+1; } else { R = M-1; } } } return 0;} coding problems