HackerEarth Roy and Trains problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackeEarth Roy and Trains problem solution Roy and Alfi reside in two different cities, Roy in city A and Alfi in city B. Roy wishes to meet her in city B. There are two trains available from city A to city B. Roy is on his way to station A (Railway station of city A). It will take To time (in minutes) for Roy to reach station A. The two trains depart in T1 and T2 minutes respectively. The average velocities (in km/hr) of trains are V1 and V2 respectively. We know the distance D (in km) between city A and city B. Roy wants to know the minimum time (in minutes) to reach city B if he chooses to train optimally. If it’s not possible to reach city B, print “-1” instead (without quotes). HackerEarth Roy and Trains problem solution. def roy_and_trains(): for t in xrange(input()): t0,t1,t2,v1,v2,d = map(int,raw_input().split()) temp = float(d)/v1 temp *= 60 temp2 = int(temp) if temp > temp2: temp2 += 1 total1 = t1 + temp2 temp = float(d)/v2 temp *= 60 temp2 = int(temp) if temp > temp2: temp2 += 1 total2 = t2 + temp2 if t0 > t1 and t0 > t2: print "-1" elif t0 <= t1 and t0 > t2: print total1 elif t0 > t1 and t0 <= t2: print total2 else: print min(total1,total2)roy_and_trains() coding problems