HackerEarth Roy and Symmetric Logos problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth Roy and Symmetric Logos problem solution, Roy likes Symmetric Logos. How to check whether a logo is symmetric? Align the center of logo with the origin of Cartesian plane. Now if the colored pixels of the logo are symmetric about both X-axis and Y-axis, then the logo is symmetric. You are given a binary matrix of size N x N which represents the pixels of a logo. 1 indicates that the pixel is colored and 0 indicates no color. For instance: Take a 5×5 matrix as follows: 01110 01010 10001 01010 01110 HackerEarth Roy and Symmetric Logos problem solution. def check_about_x_axis(n, matrix): for i in xrange(n): j = n-i-1 for p in xrange(n): if matrix[i][p] != matrix[j][p]: return 0 return 1def check_about_y_axis(n, matrix): for i in xrange(n): j = n-i-1 for p in xrange(n): if matrix[p][i] != matrix[p][j]: return 0 return 1def roy_and_symmetric_logos(): t = input() for tt in xrange(t): n = input() matrix = [] for i in xrange(n): s = raw_input() tmp = list(s) matrix.append(tmp) if check_about_y_axis(n,matrix) and check_about_x_axis(n,matrix): print "YES" else: print "NO"roy_and_symmetric_logos() coding problems