HackerEarth Rotate rotate again and rotate once more solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth Rotate, rotate again and rotate once more problem Mr Lavit is teacher for physical education at a school. Today he is in bad mood, so he is taking it out on the students of his class. There are N students in his class. Lets mark the students from 1,2,.. upto N. They are standing in a line.Initially, all the students are facing towards EAST. Now he makes them sweat in sun. He gives 3 types of orders to his class Order 1: C L R K where C is character ‘C’, stands for clockwise, L is a number 1 <= L <= N, R is a number L <= R <= N, K is a number denoting number of steps to rotate. This type of order means students in positions [L,R] has to rotate K steps clockwise. Order 2: A L R K where A is character ‘A’, stands for anti-clockwise, L, R, and K are the same as in previous order. This type of order means students in positions [L,R] has to rotate K steps anti-clockwise. Order 3: Q L R where Q is character ‘Q’, stands for query L is a number 1 <= L <= N, R is a number L <= R <= N, This type of order is a query where he asks his class the maximum number of students facing in a same direction in [L,R] positions. If number of students facing in two, or more directions are maximum and equal, output this maximum value. If students answer wrong or answers very late then he may not let them go easily, so they have asked for your help. Answer these queries on their behalf. HackerEarth Rotate, rotate again and rotate once more problem solution. #include<bits/stdc++.h>//#undef DEBUG#ifdef DEBUG #include<debug.h>#else #define db(...) {} #define dbt(...) {} #define pprintf(...) {}#endifusing namespace std;#define ASSERT(f) if(!(f)){fprintf(stdout,"Line-->%d Assertion failed: %sn",__LINE__,#f);exit(1);}#define MOD 1000000007LL#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))#define CUBE(x) ((x)*(x)*(x))#define pnl printf("n");#define REP(i,n) for(__typeof(n) i=0;i<(n);i++)#define FOR(i,a,b) for(__typeof(b) i=(a);i<(b);++i)#define FORE(i,a,b) for(__typeof(b) i=(a);i<=(b);++i)#define FORD(i,a,b,d) for(__typeof(b) i=(a);i<(b);i+=(d))#define FORR(i,n,e) for(__typeof(n) i=(n);i>=(e);--i)#define FORRD(i,n,e,d) for(__typeof(n) i=(n);i>=(e);i-=(d))#define FOREACH(i,s) for(__typeof((s).begin()) i=(s).begin();i!=(s).end();i++)#define UNIQUE(v) sort(ALL(v)),v.erase(unique(ALL(v)),v.end())#define FILL(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))#define ALL(v) (v).begin(), (v).end()#define RALL(v) (v).rbegin(), (v).rend()#define checkbit(n,b) (((n)>>(b))&1)#define PB push_back#define MP make_pair#define XX first#define YY secondtemplate<typename T>inline void SD(T &n){ #define g getchar_unlocked() n=0;int c=g,s=1;while(c<'0'||c>'9'){if(c=='-')s=-1;c=g;}while(c>='0'&&c<='9'){n=(n<<3)+(n<<1)+c-'0',c=g;}n=n*s; #undef g}//#define SD(x) cin>>x;//scanf("%d",&x);//typedef long long LL;typedef unsigned long long ULL;typedef vector<int> VI;typedef pair<int,int> PII;typedef vector<PII> VPII;/* checking the constraints */#define CHECK_N ASSERT(N >= 1 && N <= 1000000);#define CHECK_M ASSERT(M >= 1 && M <= 1000000);#define CHECK_L ASSERT(L >= 1 && L <= N);#define CHECK_R ASSERT(R >= L && R <= N);#define CHECK_K ASSERT(K >= 1 && K <= 1000000000);enum DIR{ EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH };template<class node>class segtree{ int u,v; template<void(*fn)(node&)>void update(int rt,int ll,int rr){ if(u<=ll&&rr<=v){return fn(tree[rt]);} int m=(ll+rr)>>1,l=rt<<1,r=l|1; split(tree[rt],tree[l],tree[r]); if(v>m){update<fn>(r,m,rr);} if(u<m){update<fn>(l,ll,m);} tree[rt].merge(tree[l],tree[r]); } node query(int rt,int ll,int rr){ if(u<=ll&&rr<=v){return tree[rt];} int m=(ll+rr)>>1,l=rt<<1,r=l|1; split(tree[rt],tree[l],tree[r]); node res; if(u>=m){res=query(r,m,rr); }else if(v<=m){res =query(l,ll,m); }else{node n1=query(l,ll,m),n2=query(r,m,rr);res.merge(n1,n2);} tree[rt].merge(tree[l],tree[r]); return res; } void mergeup(int i){i>>=1;while(i>0){tree[i].merge(tree[i<<1],tree[(i<<1)|1]),i>>=1;}} void splitdown(int i){i>>=1;if(i>0){splitdown(i);}tree[i].split(tree[i<<1],tree[(i<<1)|1]);} inline void split(node& a,node& b,node& c){return a.split(b,c);}public: int N,lf,rf; node *tree,id; segtree(int n,const node arr[],node& id){ this->id=id;N=0; while((1<<N)<n){N++;} lf=1<<N;rf=lf<<1; tree=new node[rf]; REP(i,n){tree[i+lf]=arr[i];} FOR(i,n+lf,rf){tree[i]=id;} FORR(i,lf-1,1){tree[i].merge(tree[i<<1],tree[(i<<1)|1]);} } node query(int u,int v){this->u=u+lf;this->v=v+lf+1;return query(1,lf,rf);} node query(int u){u+=lf;splitdown(u);return tree[u];} template<void(*fn)(node&)>void update(int u,int v){this->u=u+lf;this->v=v+lf+1;update<fn>(1,lf,rf);} template<void(*fn)(node&)>void update(int u){u+=lf;splitdown(u);fn(tree[u]);mergeup(u);} void display(){FOR(i,1,rf){tree[i].display(i);}pnl;pnl;} ~segtree(){delete tree;}};#define SIZE 1000001int N,M,arr[SIZE],K,L,R;char line[10];struct node{ int east,south,west,north; int rot; node(){ east=1; south=west=north=rot=0; } void display(){ pprintf("E:%d S:%d W:%d N:%dn",east,south,west,north); } int getAns(){ return max(east,max(south,max(west,north))); } void merge(node& l, node& r){ east=l.east+r.east; south=l.south+r.south; west=l.west+r.west; north=l.north+r.north; rot=0; } void split(node& l, node& r){ //we will do lazy propogation, so we can accumulate rotations untill we really need to do it int realRot = rot%4; l.rot+=realRot; r.rot+=realRot; if(realRot==0){ //:D nothing to do :D }else if(realRot==1){ //E --> S, S --> W, W --> N, N --> E int tempEast = l.east;l.east = l.north;l.north=l.west;l.west=l.south;l.south = tempEast; tempEast = r.east;r.east = r.north;r.north=r.west;r.west=r.south;r.south = tempEast; }else if(realRot==2){ // E <--> W and N <--> S swap(l.east,l.west);swap(l.north,l.south); swap(r.east,r.west);swap(r.north,r.south); }else if(realRot==3){ //E --> N, S --> E, W --> S, N --> W int tempWest = l.west;l.west = l.north;l.north=l.east;l.east=l.south;l.south = tempWest; tempWest = r.west;r.west = r.north;r.north=r.east;r.east=r.south;r.south = tempWest; } rot = 0; }};void change(node& l){ l.rot+=K; if(K==0){ //:D nothing to do :D }else if(K==1){ //E --> S, S --> W, W --> N, N --> E int tempEast = l.east;l.east = l.north;l.north=l.west;l.west=l.south;l.south = tempEast; }else if(K==2){ // E <--> W and N <--> S swap(l.east,l.west);swap(l.north,l.south); }else if(K==3){ //E --> N, S --> E, W --> S, N --> W int tempWest = l.west;l.west = l.north;l.north=l.east;l.east=l.south;l.south = tempWest; }}namespace BruteForce{ int getAns(){ int e=0,s=0,w=0,n=0; FORE(i,L,R){ switch(arr[i]){ case EAST:e++;break; case SOUTH:s++;break; case WEST:w++;break; case NORTH:n++;break; default:ASSERT(false); } } //pprintf("Querying [%d,%d] E:%d S:%d W:%d N:%dn",L,R,e,s,w,n); ASSERT(e+s+w+n==R-L+1); return max(e,max(s,max(w,n))); } void update(){ FORE(i,L,R){ arr[i] = (arr[i]+K)%4; } } void display(){ FORE(i,1,N){ switch(arr[i]){ case EAST:printf("E ");break; case SOUTH:printf("S ");break; case WEST:printf("W ");break; case NORTH:printf("N ");break; default:ASSERT(false); } } pnl; }}//#define CHECK_BRUTE_FORCEnode seg[SIZE],id;void solve(int cx){ SD(N);SD(M); CHECK_N;CHECK_M; //BruteForce::display(); segtree<node>s(N,seg,id); REP(m,M){ scanf("%s",line); ASSERT(strlen(line)==1); SD(L);SD(R); CHECK_L;CHECK_R; if(line[0]=='Q'){ //printf("BruteForce: %dn",BruteForce::getAns()); node ans = s.query(L-1,R-1); printf("%dn",ans.getAns()); #ifdef CHECK_BRUTE_FORCE ASSERT(BruteForce::getAns()==ans.getAns()); #endif // LOCAL }else if(line[0]=='C'){ SD(K);CHECK_K; K%=4; #ifdef CHECK_BRUTE_FORCE BruteForce::update();//BruteForce::display(); #endif s.update<&change>(L-1,R-1); }else if(line[0]=='A'){ SD(K);CHECK_K; K%=4; if(K==1){K=3;}else if(K==3){K=1;}; //moving 0 step anti-clockwise == moving 0 step clockwise, and vice-versa //moving 1 step anti-clockwise == moving 3 step clockwise, and vice-versa //moving 2 step anti-clockwise == moving 2 step clockwise, and vice-versa //moving 3 step anti-clockwise == moving 1 step clockwise, and vice-versa #ifdef CHECK_BRUTE_FORCE BruteForce::update();//BruteForce::display(); #endif s.update<&change>(L-1,R-1); }else{ ASSERT(false); } }}int main(){#ifdef LOCAL _IN(in);_OUT(out);TT t("main");//_ERR(err);#endif//ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);solve(0);return 0;} Second solution #include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>struct leaf{ int z[4];};typedef struct leaf leaf;leaf T[600000];int Flag[600000];int i,j,k,t,ch,n,m,a,b;void update(leaf *a,leaf *b,leaf *c){ a->z[0]=b->z[0]+c->z[0]; a->z[1]=b->z[1]+c->z[1]; a->z[2]=b->z[2]+c->z[2]; a->z[3]=b->z[3]+c->z[3];}void build(int node,int b,int e){ int mid=b+e>>1; if(b==e){ Flag[node]=0; T[node].z[0]=1; T[node].z[1]=T[node].z[2]=T[node].z[3]=0; } else{ build(node<<1,b,mid); build(node<<1|1,mid+1,e); update(&T[node],&T[node<<1],&T[node<<1|1]); }}void Refresh(int node,int d){ if(Flag[node]){ Flag[node<<1]+=Flag[node]; if(Flag[node<<1]>=4) Flag[node<<1]-=4; Flag[node<<1|1]+=Flag[node]; if(Flag[node<<1|1]>=4) Flag[node<<1|1]-=4; while(Flag[node]){ int tmp=T[node].z[3]; T[node].z[3]=T[node].z[2]; T[node].z[2]=T[node].z[1]; T[node].z[1]=T[node].z[0]; T[node].z[0]=tmp; Flag[node]--; } }}void modify(int node,int b,int e,int i,int j,int d){ Refresh(node,d); int mid=b+e>>1; if(b>j || e<i) return; else if(b>=i && e<=j){ Flag[node]+=d; if(Flag[node]>=4) Flag[node]-=4; Refresh(node,d); } else{ modify(node<<1,b,mid,i,j,d); modify(node<<1|1,mid+1,e,i,j,d); update(&T[node],&T[node<<1],&T[node<<1|1]); }}leaf query(int node,int b,int e,int i,int j){ Refresh(node,0); int mid=b+e>>1; if(b>=i && e<=j){ return T[node]; } else{ if(i>mid) return query(node<<1|1,mid+1,e,i,j); else if(j<=mid) return query(node<<1,b,mid,i,j); else{ leaf tmp,x,y; x=query(node<<1,b,mid,i,mid); y=query(node<<1|1,mid+1,e,mid+1,j); update(&tmp,&x,&y); return tmp; } }}#define s(n) scanf("%d",&n)#define sl(n) scanf("%lld",&n)#define sf(n) scanf("%lf",&n)#define ss(n) scanf("%s",n)#define sc(n) {char temp[4]; ss(temp); n=temp[0];}int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%d",&m); build(1,0,n-1); while(m--){ sc(ch); s(a); s(b); --a,--b; if(ch=='Q') { leaf res=query(1,0,n-1,a,b); int mx=res.z[0]; for(int i=1;i<4;i++) mx=std::max(res.z[i],mx); printf("%dn",mx); } else { int d; s(d); if(ch=='C') modify(1,0,n-1,a,b,d%4); else { d=-d; d=(d%4)+4; modify(1,0,n-1,a,b,d); } } } return 0;} coding problems