HackerEarth ( Problem A ) Pikachu and the Game of Strings problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth (Problem A) Pikachu and the Game of Strings problem solution, Pikachu has recently learnt a new move s. He knows he can work hard and convert it into a stronger move t. Both the moves s and t contain the same number of letters. In a single day, Pikachu can increase any letter of move s by one, that is, in a single day, he can convert letter A to B, C to D, M to N and so on. He can also convert letter Z to letter A. Pikachu just realized he also has a hidden ability. It can help him increase any letter of move s by 13, that is, in a single day, he can convert letter A to letter N, B into O, M into Z, O into B and so on. Now Pikachu wants to know the minimum number of days in which he can convert the move s into move t ? HackerEarth ( Problem A ) Pikachu and the Game of Strings problem solution. #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){ int n; cin>>n; string s,t; cin>>s>>t; int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ ans+=min((t[i]-s[i]+26)%26,1+(t[i]-(s[i]+13)+52)%26); } cout<<ans<<endl;} Second solution n = int(raw_input())s = raw_input()t = raw_input()def f(g): x = ord(g[0]) y = ord(g[1]) return min((y-x)%26, (y-(x+13)%26)%26 + 1)print sum(map(f, zip(s,t))) coding problems