HackerEarth Lexical Analyzer problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth Lexical Analyzer problem solution Alex has recently decided to learn about how to design compilers. As a first step he needs to find the number of different variables that are present in the given code. So Alex will be provided N statements each of which will be terminated by a semicolon(;). Now Alex needs to find the number of different variable names that are being present in the given statement. Any string which is present before the assignment operator denotes to a variable name. HackerEarth Lexical Analyzer problem solution. k=int(input().strip())l=[]p=set()for _ inrange(k): s=input().strip() for i in s.split("="): l.append(i) p.add(l[0]) l=[]print(len(p)) coding problems