HackerEarth City and Campers 2 problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerEarth City and Campers 2 problem solution, The campers turn against Alex after joining together! Alex has split into N parts, and each of these N parts is wandering around the city aimlessly. You have to handle Q queries; which consist of two groups of Alex’s finding each other and becoming one larger group. After each query, output the minimum difference between two groups. If there is only one group, output 0. At first, everyone is in their own group. What this means is that there are N groups, each of which contain 1 part of Alex. Also note, if the two Alex’s in the query are already in the same group, print the current answer, and skip merging the groups together. HackerEarth City and Campers 2 problem solution. #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef pair<int, int> PII;const int lim = 1e5 + 1;const int maxn = 1e5;const int maxq = 1e5;int n, q;struct cmpS1{ bool operator() (const PII& a, const PII& b) { if (a.second == b.second) return a.first < b.first; return a.second < b.second; }};struct cmpS2{ bool operator() (const pair<PII, int>& a, const pair<PII, int>& b) { if (a.second == b.second) { if (a.first.second == b.first.second) return a.first.first < b.first.first; return a.first.second < b.first.second; } return a.second < b.second; }};int parent[lim];vector<int> members(lim);multiset<PII, cmpS1> S1;multiset<pair<PII, int>, cmpS2> S2;void init(int n){ for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { parent[i] = i; members[i] = 1; S1.insert(make_pair(i, 1)); } multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator ahead = S1.begin(); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator behind = ahead; ahead++; while (ahead != S1.end()) { PII a = *ahead; PII b = *behind; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(a.first, b.first), abs(a.second - b.second))); ahead++; behind++; }}int ancestor(int a){ if (parent[a] != a) parent[a] = ancestor(parent[a]); return parent[a];}void merge(int a, int b){ a = ancestor(a); b = ancestor(b); if (a == b) return; if (members[b] > members[a]) swap(a, b); else if (members[b] == members[a]) if (b > a) swap(a, b); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator foo = S1.find(make_pair(a, members[a])); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator bar = S1.find(make_pair(b, members[b])); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator fooA, fooB, barA, barB; fooA = foo; fooA++; fooB = foo; fooB--; barA = bar; barA++; barB = bar; barB--; PII FOO, FOOA, FOOB, BAR, BARA, BARB; multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator buz; multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator it1, it2, it3, it4, it5; it1 = foo; it1--; it2 = bar; if (S2.size() == 2) { multiset<PII, cmpS1> S3; for (auto saviour: S1) { if (saviour.first == a and saviour.second == members[a]) continue; if (saviour.first == b and saviour.second == members[b]) continue; S3.insert(make_pair(saviour.first, saviour.second)); } parent[b] = a; members[a] += members[b]; S3.insert(make_pair(a, members[a])); S1 = S3; S2.clear(); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator ahead = S1.begin(); multiset<PII, cmpS1>::iterator behind = ahead; ahead++; while (ahead != S1.end()) { PII a = *ahead; PII b = *behind; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(a.first, b.first), abs(a.second - b.second))); ahead++; behind++; } return; } if (it1 == it2) { it1++; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair((*it1).first, (*it2).first), abs((*it1).second - (*it2).second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); it3 = it1; it3++; if (it3 != S1.end()) { fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair((*it3).first, (*it1).first), abs((*it3).second - (*it1).second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } if (it2 != S1.begin()) { it4 = it2; it4--; fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair((*it2).first, (*it4).first), abs((*it2).second - (*it4).second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } if (it3 != S1.end() and it2 != S1.begin()) { it4 = it2; it4--; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair((*it3).first, (*it4).first), abs((*it3).second - (*it4).second))); } S1.erase(foo); S1.erase(bar); members[a] += members[b]; parent[b] = a; S1.insert(make_pair(a, members[a])); foo = S1.find(make_pair(a, members[a])); fooA = fooB = foo; fooA++, fooB--; buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooA != S1.end() and fooB != buz) { FOOA = *fooA; FOO = *foo; FOOB = *fooB; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOOB.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } if (fooA != S1.end()) { FOOA = *fooA; FOO = *foo; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOO.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOO.second))); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooB != buz) { FOOB = *fooB; FOO = *foo; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(FOO.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOO.second - FOOB.second))); } return; } if (fooA != S1.end()) { FOOA = *fooA; FOO = *foo; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOO.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOO.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooB != buz) { FOOB = *fooB; FOO = *foo; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(FOO.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOO.second - FOOB.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooA != S1.end() and fooB != buz) { FOOA = *fooA; FOOB = *fooB; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOOB.second))); } if (barA != S1.end()) { BARA = *barA; BAR = *bar; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(BARA.first, BAR.first), abs(BARA.second - BAR.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (barB != buz) { BARB = *barB; BAR = *bar; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(BAR.first, BARB.first), abs(BAR.second - BARB.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (barA != S1.end() and barB != buz) { BARA = *barA; BARB = *barB; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(BARA.first, BARB.first), abs(BARA.second - BARB.second))); } multiset<PII,cmpS1>::iterator fml = S1.find(make_pair(a, members[a])); S1.erase(S1.find(make_pair(a, members[a]))); fml = S1.find(make_pair(b, members[b])); S1.erase(S1.find(make_pair(b, members[b]))); members[a] += members[b]; parent[b] = a; S1.insert(make_pair(a, members[a])); foo = S1.find(make_pair(a, members[a])); fooA = fooB = foo; fooA++, fooB--; buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooA != S1.end() and fooB != buz) { FOOA = *fooA; FOO = *foo; FOOB = *fooB; multiset<pair<PII,int>, cmpS2>::iterator fml = S2.find(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOOB.second))); if (fml != S2.end()) S2.erase(fml); } if (fooA != S1.end()) { FOOA = *fooA; FOO = *foo; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(FOOA.first, FOO.first), abs(FOOA.second - FOO.second))); } buz = S1.begin(); buz--; if (fooB != buz) { FOOB = *fooB; FOO = *foo; S2.insert(make_pair(make_pair(FOO.first, FOOB.first), abs(FOO.second - FOOB.second))); }}int printAns(){ if (S1.size() == 1) return 0; return (*(S2.begin())).second;}int main(){ scanf("%d%d", &n, &q); assert(1 <= n and n <= maxn); assert(1 <= q and q <= maxq); init(n); for (int i = 1; i <= q; i++) { int a, b; scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); assert(1 <= a and a <= n); assert(1 <= b and b <= n); merge(a, b); printf("%dn", printAns()); } return 0;} coding problems