C program for plotting of two functions YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this tutorial, we are going to write a C Program for plotting of two functions (y1=exp(-ax); y2=exp(-ax2/2)) C Programming with practical program code and step-by-step full complete explanation. C program for plotting of two functions. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int i; float a,x,y1,y2; a=0.4; printf(" Y------> "); printf("0----------------------------"); for(x=0;x<5;x=x+0.25) y1=(int)(50*exp(-a*x)+0.25); y2=(int)(50*exp(-a*x*x/2)+0.5); if(y1==2) { if(x==2.5) printf("X |"); else printf("|"); for(i=1;i<=y1-1;++i) pintf(""); printf("#"); continue; } if(y1>y2) { if(x==2.5) printf("X |"); else printf(" |"); for(i=1;i<y2-1;++i) printf(""); printf("*"); for(i=1;i<=(y1-y2-1);++i) printf("_"); printf("0"); continue; } if(x==2.5) printf("X|"); else { printf(" |"); for(i=1;i<=y1-1;++i) printf(""); printf("0"); for(i=1;i<=(y2-y1-1);++i) printf("_"); printf("*"); } } Output 0-------------------------------------------------- | # | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | 0...* | # | c coding problems