C++ program to print students details using structure YASH PAL, 31 July 202422 August 2024 In this post we will write a C++ program to print student details using structure. user will enter the detail of 4 students like his/her name, roll number, math, physics, and c++ subject marks, and then the program will print the details of the students including the Grades. C++ program to print student details using structure. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> BOOL gotoxy(const WORD x, const WORD y) { COORD xy; xy.X = x; xy.Y = y; return SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), xy); } struct res { int rn; char name[30]; int math; int phy; int c; }; struct res a[5]; int main() { system("cls"); int i; int total; int avg; for(i=0;i<=4;i++) { std::cout<<"Name = "; std::cin>>a[i].name; std::cout<<"Roll Number = "; std::cin>>a[i].rn; std::cout<<"Math Number = "; std::cin>>a[i].math; std::cout<<"Physics Number = "; std::cin>>a[i].phy; std::cout<<"C++ Number = "; std::cin>>a[i].c; } for(i=0;i<=4;i++) { total = a[i].math+a[i].phy+a[i].c; avg = total/3.0; gotoxy(20,5+i); std::cout<<a[i].name<<std::endl; gotoxy(30,5+i); std::cout<<a[i].rn<<std::endl; gotoxy(37,5+i); std::cout<<a[i].math<<std::endl; gotoxy(44,5+i); std::cout<<a[i].phy<<std::endl; gotoxy(51,5+i); std::cout<<a[i].c<<std::endl; gotoxy(58,5+i); std::cout<<total<<std::endl; gotoxy(65,5+i); std::cout<<avg<<std::endl; if(avg >= 80) { gotoxy(73,5+i); std::cout<<"A"<<std::endl; } else if(avg >= 70 && avg <= 79) { gotoxy(73, 5+i); std::cout<<"B"<<std::endl; } else if(avg >= 60 && avg <= 69) { gotoxy(73,5+i); std::cout<<"C"<<std::endl; } else if(avg >= 50 && avg <= 59) { gotoxy(73,5+i); std::cout<<"C"<<std::endl; } else { gotoxy(73,5+i); std::cout<<"Fail"<<std::endl; } } gotoxy(20,4); std::cout<<"Name"<<std::endl; gotoxy(30,4); std::cout<<"Roll"<<std::endl; gotoxy(37,4); std::cout<<"Math"<<std::endl; gotoxy(44,4); std::cout<<"Phy"<<std::endl; gotoxy(51,4); std::cout<<"C++"<<std::endl; gotoxy(58,4); std::cout<<"Total"<<std::endl; gotoxy(65,4); std::cout<<"Aver"<<std::endl; gotoxy(73,4); std::cout<<"Grade"<<std::endl; getch(); return 0; } Output Name = yashpal Roll Number = 5 Math Number = 50 Physics Number = 70 C++ Number = 80 Name = yash Roll Number = 6 Math Number = 70 Physics Number = 90 C++ Number = 80 Name = rahul Roll Number = 7 Math Number = 80 Physics Number = 80 C++ Number = 80 Name = pooja Roll Number = 8 Math Number = 80 Physics Number = 90 C++ Number = 100 Name = Kajal Roll Number = 9 Math Number = 70 Physics Number = 70 C++ Number = 70 Name Roll Math Phy C++ Total Aver Grade yashpal 5 50 70 80 200 66 C yash 6 70 90 80 240 80 A rahul 7 80 80 80 240 80 A pooja 8 80 90 100 270 90 A kajal 9 70 70 70 210 70 B coding problems cpp