C++ program to generate random number in circles and find out the sum YASH PAL, 31 July 202422 August 2024 In this post, we are going to write a C++ program to generate random numbers in circles and find out the sum. C++ program to generate random numbers in circles and find the sum. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int k1 = 0, sum1 = 0, p = 0; int k2 = 0, sum2 = 0, q = 0; int k3 = 0, sum3 = 0, r = 1; int k4 = 0, sum4 = 0, s = 1; char ch, choice = 'y'; system("cls"); while(choice != 'n') { system("cls"); std::cout<<"Press i,l,k & j keys in circles"<<std::endl; ch = getch(); switch(ch) { case 105: { if(p==0) { k1 = rand()%10; sum1 = k1+sum1; std::cout<<"You press up arrow key"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"The random number = "<<k1<<std::endl; p++; q--; } else std::cout<<"Invalid key"<<std::endl; } break; case 108: { if(q==0) { k2 = rand()%10; sum2 = k2+sum2; std::cout<<"You press right arrow key"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"The random number = "<<k2<<std::endl; q++; r--; } else std::cout<<"Invalid key"<<std::endl; } break; case 107: { if(r==0) { k3=rand()%10; sum3 = k3+sum3; std::cout<<"You press down arrow key"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"The random number = "<<k3<<std::endl; r++; s--; } else std::cout<<"Invalid key"<<std::endl; } break; case 106: { if(s==0) { k4 = rand()%10; sum4 = k4+sum4; std::cout<<"You press left arrow key"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"The random number = "<<k4<<std::endl; s++; p--; } else std::cout<<"Invalid key"<<std::endl; } break; default: std::cout<<"Invalid key"<<std::endl; } if(sum1 >= 20) { system("cls"); std::cout<<"The up key win"<<std::endl; getch(); exit(0); } if(sum2 >= 20) { system("cls"); std::cout<<"The right key win"<<std::endl; getch(); exit(0); } if(sum3 >= 20) { system("cls"); std::cout<<"The down key win"<<std::endl; getch(); exit(0); } if(sum4 >= 20) { system("cls"); std::cout<<"The right key win"<<std::endl; getch(); exit(0); } std::cout<<"Do you continue (Y/N) = "; choice = getche(); std::cout<<std::endl; } } Output Press i,l,k & j keys in circles You press up arrow key The random number = 5 Do you continue (Y/N) = The righ key win coding problems cpp