In this post, we will write a C++ program to calculate the result of students using marks. user will enter the marks of his subject and the program will print the total marks obtained by the student, average of total marks, and grade.
C++ program to calculate results of students
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int comp, phy,math,eng,stat,total; float avg; std::cout<<"Enter the marks of computer = "; std::cin>>comp; std::cout<<"Enter the marks of physics = "; std::cin>>phy; std::cout<<"Enter the marks of mathematics = "; std::cin>>math; std::cout<<"Enter the marks of english = "; std::cin>>eng; std::cout<<"Enter the marks of statistics = "; std::cin>>stat; total = (comp+phy+math+eng+stat); avg = ((total/500.0)*100.0); std::cout<<"The total marks obtained by student = "<<total <<std::endl; std::cout<<"The average of total marks is = "<<avg<<std::endl; if(avg >= 85) std::cout<<"The grade is A+"; if(avg >= 75 && avg <= 84) std::cout<<"The grade is A"; if(avg >= 60 && avg <= 74) std::cout<<"The grade is B"; if(avg >= 50 && avg <= 59) std::cout<<"The grade is C"; if(avg < 50) std::cout<<"Fail"; return 0; }
Enter the marks of computer = 67 Enter the marks of physics = 64 Enter the marks of mathematics = 75 Enter the marks of english = 80 Enter the marks of statistics = 82 The total marks obtained by student = 368 The average of total marks is = 73.599998 The grade is B