C++ program to calculate the electricity bill of consumed units by user YASH PAL, 31 July 202422 August 2024 In this post, we will write a C++ program to calculate the electricity bill of consumed units by the user. user will enter the number of units and the price per unit and the program will print the electricity bill consumed by the user. C++ program to calculate the electricity bill. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int units,cunits,punits; float bill; std::cout<<"Enter the current reading = "; std::cin>>cunits; std::cout<<"Enter the previous reading = "; std::cin>>punits; units = cunits - punits; if(units < 300) bill = 3.0*units; if(units > 300 && units <= 400) bill = ((3.5*units) + (units*0.5/100.0)); if(units > 400 && units <= 500) bill = ((4.5*units) + (units*0.7/100.0)); if(units > 500) bill = ((5.0*units) + (units*0.9/100.0)); std::cout<<"The electricity bill is = "<<bill; return 0; } Output Enter the current reading = 600 Enter the previous reading = 295 The electricity bill is = 1069.025024 coding problems cpp