HackerRank classes: Dealing with complex numbers solution in python YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this Classes: Dealing with complex numbers you are given two complex numbers, and you have to print the result of their addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operations. The real and imaginary precision part should be correct up to two decimal places. Problem solution in Python 2 programming. import math class Complex: def __init__(self, a, b): self.a, self.b = a, b; def display(self): if self.a < 0.005 and self.a > -0.005: self.a = 0; if self.b < 0.005 and self.b > -0.005: self.b = 0; if self.a != 0: str1 = '%0.2f' % self.a; if self.b > 0: str1 += ' + %0.2fi' % self.b; elif self.b < 0: str1 += ' - %0.2fi' % -self.b; elif self.b != 0: str1 = '%0.2fi' % self.b; else: str1 = '0.00'; print str1; def conjugate(self): return Complex(self.a, -self.b); def norm(self): return self.a*self.a + self.b*self.b; def scale(self, scalar): return Complex(self.a*scalar, self.b*scalar); def add(a, b): return Complex(a.a + b.a, a.b + b.b); def sub(a, b): return Complex(a.a - b.a, a.b - b.b); def mul(a, b): return Complex(a.a * b.a - a.b * b.b, a.a * b.b + a.b * b.a); def div(a, b): return mul(a, b.conjugate().scale(1.0/b.norm())); x = Complex(0, 0); y = Complex(0, 0); [a, b] = raw_input().split(); x.a = float(a); x.b = float(b); [a, b] = raw_input().split(); y.a = float(a); y.b = float(b); add(x, y).display(); sub(x, y).display(); mul(x, y).display(); div(x, y).display(); print '%0.2f' % math.sqrt(x.norm()); print '%0.2f' % math.sqrt(y.norm()); Problem solution in Python 3 programming. class Complex(object): def __init__(self, real, imaginary): self.real=real self.imaginary=imaginary def __add__(self, no): return Complex(self.real+no.real,self.imaginary+no.imaginary) def __sub__(self, no): return Complex(self.real-no.real,self.imaginary-no.imaginary) def __mul__(self, no): r=self.real*no.real-self.imaginary*no.imaginary i=self.real*no.imaginary+self.imaginary*no.real return Complex(r,i) def __truediv__(self, no): d=no.real**2+no.imaginary**2 n=self*Complex(no.real,-1*no.imaginary) return Complex(n.real/d,n.imaginary/d) def mod(self): d=self.real**2+self.imaginary**2 return Complex(math.sqrt(d),0) def __str__(self): if self.imaginary == 0: result = "%.2f+0.00i" % (self.real) elif self.real == 0: if self.imaginary >= 0: result = "0.00+%.2fi" % (self.imaginary) else: result = "0.00-%.2fi" % (abs(self.imaginary)) elif self.imaginary > 0: result = "%.2f+%.2fi" % (self.real, self.imaginary) else: result = "%.2f-%.2fi" % (self.real, abs(self.imaginary)) return result Problem solution in pypy programming. class Complex(object): def __init__(self, real, imaginary): self.real = real self.imaginary = imaginary def __add__(self, no): return Complex(self.real+no.real, self.imaginary+no.imaginary) def __sub__(self, no): return Complex(self.real-no.real, self.imaginary-no.imaginary) def __mul__(self, no): return Complex(self.real*no.real-self.imaginary*no.imaginary, self.real*no.imaginary+self.imaginary*no.real) def __div__(self, no): try: return self.__mul__(Complex(no.real, -1*no.imaginary)).__mul__(Complex(1.0/(no.mod().real)**2, 0)) except ZeroDivisionError as e: print e return None def mod(self): return Complex(pow(self.real**2+self.imaginary**2, 0.5), 0) def __str__(self): if self.imaginary == 0: result = "%.2f+0.00i" % (self.real) elif self.real == 0: if self.imaginary >= 0: result = "0.00+%.2fi" % (self.imaginary) else: result = "0.00-%.2fi" % (abs(self.imaginary)) elif self.imaginary > 0: result = "%.2f+%.2fi" % (self.real, self.imaginary) else: result = "%.2f-%.2fi" % (self.real, abs(self.imaginary)) return result Problem solution in pypy3 programming. from math import hypot class Complex(object): def __init__(self, real, imaginary): self.re = real self.im = imaginary def __add__(self, no): return Complex(self.re + no.re, self.im + no.im) def __sub__(self, no): return Complex(self.re - no.re, self.im - no.im) def __mul__(self, no): return Complex( self.re * no.re - self.im * no.im, self.im * no.re + self.re * no.im) def __truediv__(self, no): return Complex( (self.re * no.re + self.im * no.im) / (no.re**2 + no.im**2), (self.im * no.re - self.re * no.im) / (no.re**2 + no.im**2)) def mod(self): return Complex(hypot(self.re, self.im), 0.0) def __str__(self): return "{:.2f}{:+.2f}i".format(self.re, self.im) coding problems python