Java program to find the average of consecutive N odd Even Numbers YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this tutorial, we are going to write a Java program to find the average of consecutive N Odd number and Even numbers in Java Programming with practical program code and step-by-step full complete explanation. Java program to find the average of consecutive N Odd and Even numbers. class EvenOdd_Avg { public static void main(String args[]) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int cntEven=0,cntOdd=0,sumEven=0,sumOdd=0; while(n > 0) { if(n%2==0) { cntEven++; sumEven = sumEven + n; } else { cntOdd++; sumOdd = sumOdd + n; } n--; } int evenAvg,oddAvg; evenAvg = sumEven/cntEven; oddAvg = sumOdd/cntOdd; System.out.println("Average of first N Even number is "+evenAvg); System.out.println("Average of first N Odd number is "+oddAvg); } } Output 153 Average of first N Even number is 77 Average of first N Odd number is 77 coding problems java