Header Linked list in Data structure YASH PAL, 23 May 202028 May 2024 In Data Structure The header linked list is a list that has a header node at the beginning of the linked list. and the head always refers to the header node of the list. What is Header Node the info part of the header node is always None. Therefore we can use this part to store some useful information about the linked list. like storing the number of nodes in a list and some of the values of the linked list etc. and the linked part of the header node is always referred to as the first node of the linked list. Advantages of Header Linked List If the list is empty then always the header node is available in the linked list. so we don’t need to check whether the linked list is empty or not. we can easily perform operations like insertion and deletion because we don’t need to check if the list is empty or not. Header Linked List program in Python. class Node(object): def __init__(self,value): self.info = value self.link = None class HeaderLinkedList(object): def __init__(self): self.head = Node(0) def display_list(self): if self.head.link == None: print("List is empty") return p =self.head.link print("List is : ") while p is not None: print(p.info, " ",end='') p = p.link print() def create_list(self): n = int(input("Enter the number of nodes : ")) for i in range(n): data = int(input("Enter the element to be inserted : ")) self.insert_at_end(data) def insert_at_end(self,data): temp = Node(data) p = self.head while p.link is not None: p = p.link p.link = temp def insert_before(self,data,x): p = self.head while p.link is not None: if p.link.info == x: break p = p.link if p.link is None: print(x, " not present in the list") else: temp = Node(data) temp.link = p.link p.link = temp def insert_at_position(self,data,x): p = self.head i = 1 while i <= k-1 and p is not None: p = p.link i += 1 if p is None: print("You can insert only upto ", (i-1), " th position") else: temp = Node(data) temp.link = p.link p.link = temp def delete_node(self,data): p = self.head while p.link is not None: if p.link.info == data: break p = p.link if p.link == None: print(data, " not found") else: p.link = p.link.link def reverse_list(self): prev = None p = self.head.link while p is not None: next = p.link p.link = prev prev = p p = next self.head.link = prev list = HeaderLinkedList() list.create_list() while True: print("1. Display list") print("2. Insert a node at the end of the list") print("3. Insert a node before a specified node") print("4. Insert a node at a given position") print("5. Delete a node") print("6. Reverse the list") print("9. Quit") option = int(input("Enter your choice : ")) if option == 1: list.display_list() elif option == 2: data = int(input("Enter the element to be inserted : ")) list.insert_at_end(data) elif option == 3: data = int(input("Enter the element to be inserted : ")) x = int(input("Enter the element before which to insert : ")) list.insert_before(data,x) elif option == 4: data = int(input("Enter the element to be inserted : ")) k = int(input("Enter the position at which to insert : ")) list.insert_at_position(data,x) elif option == 5: data = int(input("Enter the element to be deleted : ")) list.delete_node(data) elif option == 7: break else: print("Wrong option") print() Computer Science Tutorials Data Structures Tutorials computer scienceData Structure