HackerRank Compute the Average problem solution YASH PAL, 31 July 2024 In this HackerRank Compute the Average problem solution we have given N integers, and compute their average and rounded to three decimal places. Input format The first line contains an integer N. Each of the following N lines contains a single integer. Output format Display the average of the N integers, rounded off to three decimal places. Input Constraints 1 <= N <= 500 -10000 <= x <= 10000 (x refers to elements of the list of integers for which the average is to be computed) Problem solution. read num sum=0 i=0 while [ $i -lt $num ] do read x #sum=$((sum + x)) let sum=sum+x let i=i+1 done printf "%0.3fn" $(echo "scale=5; $sum / $num" | bc -l) Second solution. #!/bin/bash read x sum=0 for i in `seq 1 $x` do read y sum=$(( $sum+$y )); done sum=`echo $sum/$x | bc -l`; printf "%.3lfn" $sum Third solution. read N export tot=`awk 'BEGIN {tot=0}; {tot+=$1}; END {print tot}'` export avg=`echo "$tot/$N" | bc -l` #echo $tot $N $avg printf %.3f "$avg" coding problems linux shell