C++ program to search a record from binary file YASH PAL, 31 July 202422 August 2024 In this post we will write a C++ program to search a record from binary file. C++ program to search a record from binary file. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<fstream> using namespace std; class rec { protected: int roll; int long phon; char name[100]; public: dis() { std::cout<<name<<"t"<<roll<<"t"<<phon<<std::endl; } }; int main() { int n; rec r; system("cls"); ifstream first("new.cpp",ios::binary|ios::in); if(!first) { std::cout<<"File opening error"<<std::endl; getch(); exit(0); } first.seekg(0); std::cout<<"Enter the number of record = "; std::cin>>n; long int pos = (n-1)*sizeof(r); first.seekg(pos); first.read((char *)&r, sizeof(r)); r.dis(); getch(); return 0; } Output Enter rthe number of records = 2 XYZ 2 54321 coding problems cpp